A New Kind of Music: What Is Sound Design?

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Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to talk about sound design. I know many of you are pianists, but this is definitely worth your while. I’m going to show you something you’re already familiar with, but you may not realize the depth with which this type of music or sound is so involved in your lives all the time.

Historical Background

Instruments have been around for hundreds of years, with the symphony orchestra culminating in the late 19th century. So, what else could be possible? In the 1940s, a French man named Pierre Schaeffer came up with musique concrète. He used turntables, which is interesting because disc jockeys use turntables to create whole new soundscapes today! Schaeffer took sounds, manipulated them, and used tape recorders to gather sounds and mold them into compositions.

This was the infancy of what we’re discussing today. Music synthesizers entered into the equation soon after. In the late 1950s, RCA had their music synthesizer. I remember growing up, my father had a record of the RCA music synthesizer. You can probably find it on YouTube with all kinds of squeaks and weird sounds. At the end of it, they attempted to create a little jazz combo, and I was very taken with it as a kid.

It was Robert Moog’s synthesizer in the 1960s that really caught attention. Wendy Carlos’s famous album, Switched on Bach, took the works of Bach and orchestrated them using the Moog synthesizer. The Moog synthesizer was monophonic, playing one only note at a time. Carlos painstakingly recorded at half speed to get everything perfect, overdubbing all the parts to create different timbres, and brought Bach’s works to life in a new way.

Sound Design in Film

Sound design is most prevalent as a backdrop for video and film. Going back to the infancy of music for film, silent films used ragtime-type music to follow the action. Improvised music for silent films is a lost art, but a few people like Michael Mortilla in Los Angeles has kept it alive. https://www.midilifecrisis.com/

As time went on, film music started to become almost like sound design, even with traditional instruments. For example, Bernard Herrmann, a fantastic film composer, created music for Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. There’s a particularly terrifying scene where the music doesn’t sound like music but is incredibly effective. High-piercing strings create tension in a way that symphonic scores hadn’t been used before.

The Impact of Sound Design

John Williams’s scores, like Jaws, use simple musical motifs to create tension. The two-note motif in Jaws is a perfect example of how minimalistic sound design can be highly effective.

Sound design can subtly shift moods, creating emotions without the audience even realizing it. It’s an art form that can stand alone as music because of the emotion it conveys.


Is sound design music? It can be, because there is emotion associated with it. If you want to delve deeper into this, check out some examples from my son David Estrin. He does all kinds of music, traditional and experimental. https://davidpaulyall.bandcamp.com/track/fond

What is your opinion of sound design? Electronic music, musique concrète, film music, and the different directions they take, whether symphonic or experimental? I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Store.

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Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

2 thoughts on “A New Kind of Music: What Is Sound Design?”


  1. Robert – Thank you for all you do in raising awareness of piano arts. I am a piano tech of many years and I always look forward to your presentations. The market fir pianos new and used is just all over the place. You provide a good reference point from which to work. Best of luck!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! And if you know anyone who likes to work on pianos, we always have a great variety of piano work available here!

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