Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today we’re going to talk about why you must not overthink your piano playing. Now that might seem like a strange thing for me to say, with thousands of articles and videos about piano playing, technique, how to practice, memorization, how to digest a score, harmony, and so many more. Isn’t that all about thinking? It is. And there is a time and a place for analysis, and there’s a time for intuitive playing. And you must have a balance between the two in your performances. So what am I talking about when I say you shouldn’t overthink your playing?

When you’re performing, you have to have a presence of mind.

You need to make sure you’re sitting in the right place and that your hands are in the right position. You need to listen in order to achieve the proper balance of sound. But if you make the mistake of really thinking about what you’re doing, it can drive you crazy. You might completely lose the ability to play at all! When you’re playing a piece of music, there are thousands of notes, different rhythms, articulations, phrasings, and dynamics. There’s so much going on. If you stop just for a moment to think about what you are doing and look at your hands, you might question if you even know what the next note is because you’re doing things almost on automatic pilot to some extent. Hopefully you’ve learned your music well enough that you can think it through, even away from the piano which gives you great security. You’ve referenced the score, you’ve studied the score, you’ve played slowly, and you’ve done all these things so you have security. But if you start thinking about what you’re doing while you’re doing it, you can get completely psyched out.

Stay in the moment while performing.

You’re playing a piece, and you’re in the moment. It’s great. But suddenly, you start thinking about how the next section goes. You take yourself out of the moment by overthinking. If you’re not right where you are, then you get completely fouled up. Because when you get to that part, you’ve thought it through and you’re not sure if you thought it through right or not, and you might second-guess it wrong. These are the kinds of mind games that can completely destroy you in a musical performance.

Remember, the time for analysis is in your practice, but when you’re performing, don’t overthink it.

Stay in the moment. Listen to what you’re achieving. Try to go with the sound of the music and keep your head on your shoulders. Think about where you are and let the music flow naturally, like you’ve done hundreds of times in your practice. Sometimes that’s the greatest challenge because when all eyes are looking at you in a performance, or even if it’s just a friend or your teacher you’re playing for, you start thinking more about it in a way that you aren’t used to in your practice.

Another thing you can do is practice performing.

Play through your music and pretend people are watching you. Pretend you’re playing for your teacher or your friends, and see if you can keep your wits about you. Try to psych yourself out and see if you can still hold things together. Because inevitably, when you play for people, it just feels different. Your whole psychology changes; so don’t let it overtake you. Stay in the moment in your playing, and you will be rewarded with fine performances. Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

Why You Must Not Overthink Your Piano Playing

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today we’re going to talk about why you must not overthink your piano playing. Now that might seem like a strange thing for me to say, with thousands of articles and videos about piano playi

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today’s subject is about how playing a second instrument can enhance your piano playing. I grew up studying the piano with my father, Morton Estrin, starting when I was seven and a half years old. He was such a great teacher! Shortly after, our school offered band, orchestra, and chorus. I joined all of them in the fourth grade. I played the French horn. So I had the benefit of playing two instruments. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to only play one instrument.

Once you play a wind instrument, it’s a revelatory moment.

I can tell you from my personal experience that it had a profound effect on me from the very beginning. Of course, the piano helped the French horn because I had a keen understanding of music theory, harmony, counterpoint, and all the things that are hard to imagine on a single-line instrument. But what about the horn and the effect that has had on my piano playing? On the piano, it can be difficult to evoke a sense of a singing line in your playing. Even just singing can help you with that. The piano is a percussion instrument, with all the notes fading out. Playing a wind instrument, you can get a true legato, slurs, and all of that.

When you play an orchestral instrument, you’re playing with other instruments almost all the time.

Whereas on the piano, many of you probably play by yourself predominantly. You don’t get the enriching experience of playing with other musicians. Also, when you’re playing to a conductor, you learn how the pulse of the music can be communicated and how to follow other musicians. You learn how to make a cohesive whole with other people. The entire experience is enriching, and it might encourage you to play chamber music or accompany on the piano with other instruments. There are so many benefits to playing other instruments. Every other instrument you play brings a different level and depth of understanding of music to what you’re able to achieve on the piano.

So if you play another instrument or sing, consider that a benefit to your piano playing!

I’m sure you will also find the reverse to be true. It’s important to be able to conceptualize the keyboard. Playing the piano is a great way to understand intervals and chords. This is why the piano is required of all music majors in colleges, universities, and music conservatories. How many of you play second instruments, and what is it like for you? Let us know in the comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

How Playing a Second Instrument Can Enhance Your Piano Playing

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today’s subject is about how playing a second instrument can enhance your piano playing. I grew up studying the piano with my father, Morton Estrin, starting when I was seven and a half year

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m asking: Are you killing the goose that lays the golden eggs in your practice? Boy, it’s horrible to think that this could be possible. What am I talking about here, anyway? Well, it’s important to cover the most vital subjects in your practice and to work out exercises and technique. Some things are fun to work on, and some things are drudgery. You must strike a balance, or you risk the possibility of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs!

The goose that lays the golden eggs is your passion for the instrument.

If you force yourself to do things that you know you need to do in your practice, but you feel like it’s drudgery to sit down at the piano because the stuff you need to do is so distasteful, then what do you have left? If you don’t love the instrument, then you’re not going to want to practice it anyway. In your practice, of course, you must do certain vital things. And there are some things that maybe you’d rather not do. Maybe you don’t want to work on scales or memorization.

Find time for the important things and balance it out with things that bring you great joy on the instrument.

You have to have some enjoyment, so it’s not all work and no play. You should do some things just because you love to do them instead of falling into a routine that you think you have to do because it’s important. Find the balance between what is productive and what is enriching! That will take you much further than beating yourself up and driving something into the ground until you don’t even want to do it anymore. Make time for what’s important. And if you make the time for playing and enjoying your instrument, then you’ll be able to balance the time spent on important things that may be very challenging. The challenging aspects of your practice can give you a bit of a sickness in the pit of your stomach if you do them too much. Let me know in the comments how many of you have faced this issue! I know it’s a tough thing, particularly for younger students.

Most kids hate to practice.

If they’re forced to practice and they hate every minute of it, they might just want to quit altogether. So they have to have some fun. Maybe they want to make up some music or play some popular songs. Some teachers don’t let them do that. You must strike a balance in your piano practice between hard work and the things you find enriching. With anything in life that you have a passion for, make sure you take time to enjoy it! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

Are You Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs in Your Practice?

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m asking: Are you killing the goose that lays the golden eggs in your practice? Boy, it’s horrible to think that this could be possible. What am I talking about here, anyway? W

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today we’ll be discussing two methods of piano practice, and one is clearly better. I’m wondering which one you do. What are these two macro-methods of piano practice? One is the shotgun approach, and the other is the band-aid approach. I want to explain what each of these methods entails and why one is clearly better than the other.

What is the shotgun approach?

Some of you probably like to sit down at the piano to practice your music and go through the whole piece. Then you start over, and you go through it again. You try to work through the whole piece because you want to cover everything. I would describe this as a shotgun approach. You’re kind of covering everything because you know everything is important.

What is the band-aid approach?

You start your piece, but instead of going through the whole thing, you zero in on where you know the weaknesses are and focus on what needs work. Then, after you’ve gotten that section nailed down, you can go back and try to connect it with the previous section. After that, you can go back further. As soon as you come to a section where something doesn’t feel secure or doesn’t sound quite right, once again, you’ll focus your attention on that. The band-aid approach is strategic practice.

You don’t need to practice everything equally!

You will get so much more done using the band-aid approach. I know it’s gratifying to play the music and try to cover all your pieces because it makes you feel like you’ve really accomplished something. But it’s definitely not the most efficient way to get things done when your time is limited, which is the case for most people. I know that when I sit down to practice, I want to get as much done as I can for every minute I’m practicing. So I go right for what I know needs work. I spend the vast majority of my time that way. It’s the 80-20 rule: spend 80% of your practice on 20% of the material. Perhaps it’s more like the 90-10 rule. You could spend 90% of your time on 10% of the material. It makes a world of difference to gain security where you really need it.

Remember: avoid the shotgun approach!

The shotgun approach is not in your best interest most of the time. Occasionally, you will want to go through all your music as a check to see where to focus your next practice session. Then you can use the band-aid approach, as I described. What practice method works for you? Let us know in the comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! We have thousands of videos and articles about almost every subject you can imagine! You can also consider joining our Patreon, where we make videos just for you! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

2 Methods of Piano Practice: Why One Is Better

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today we’ll be discussing two methods of piano practice, and one is clearly better. I’m wondering which one you do. What are these two macro-methods of piano practice? One is the shotg

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. The subject today is about how you can get the most out of your piano technician. First of all, did you know that not all piano tuners are piano technicians? Most tuners are technicians. But some people just tune, and that’s about it. They might do very minor work, but a full-fledged piano technician may be able to work out a myriad of issues on your piano. Whether you have a sluggish key, a squeaking pedal, regulation issues, or maybe your voicing is harsh and you want something that sounds warmer, a master piano technician can do wonders with your piano. So how do you get the most out of your technician?

First of all, make a checklist.

Any time you have an issue with your piano, write it down or put it in a document on your computer that you can reference. When you set up the appointment with your piano technician, tell them everything.

Make sure the piano is on pitch.

You can check the pitch with an app. There are many tuning apps available for your phone. If your piano has dropped in pitch, it’s going to take two tunings to get it back. First, a rough tuning just to get it in the zone, which is called a pitch raise. And then the second one is a fine tuning. Your technician will have to be prepared to spend the time to do that. So check the tuning on your piano. Make sure A is indeed 440 cycles per second. If you find that it’s dropped to 435 or something like that, it’s probably going to take a couple of passes of tuning to get it back up to pitch. And incidentally, that tuning won’t hold as long because once a piano goes out that far, it takes longer to get stable again with more periodic tunings.

Tell your technician ahead of time about anything that you want them to address with the instrument.

There might be issues with the pedals, or maybe the action is making noise. Whatever the issues may be, tell them before they arrive. The reason for this is that they usually set their appointments back to back all day. If you bring up any issues while they are tuning your piano, they may not have the time to address them. It is likely they will have another appointment to get to. So tell the technician before the appointment so they’re prepared to spend the appropriate amount of time with you. And once they arrive, remind them of all the things you want them to address.

Try the piano before they leave!

It is incredibly important that you play the piano while your technician is still there. You want to make sure that the issues have been fixed. Piano technicians are very busy. We sell pianos all around the country, and there seems to be a backlog trying to get tuners out. The fine tuners can have waiting lists for weeks! The last thing in the world you want is to have your piano tuned, and as soon as they leave, you discover an issue is still there. So you must try the piano and make sure everything has been fixed.

Have your piano technician as an ally.

Make sure you get the right technician who is more than just a tuner. You want a full-fledged technician who can resolve any issues you have with your piano. Tell them what to expect when you make the appointment, remind them when they get there, and try the piano before they leave. These tips will help you get the most out of your piano technician! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrinContact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

How to Get the Most Out of Your Piano Technician

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. The subject today is about how you can get the most out of your piano technician. First of all, did you know that not all piano tuners are piano technicians? Most tuners are technicians. But some

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. I had somebody ask me recently how long digital pianos last. I have a Steinway here, built in the late 1930s and still going strong. We rebuilt it a few years ago. But you know what? 100 years from now, it could be rebuilt again. Pianos can go on forever if they’re not completely thrashed by the environment. But what about digital pianos?

It’s hard to find good piano technicians, but it’s nearly impossible to find people to work on digital pianos.

There are not many people who work on digital pianos. The parts are not readily available. A lot of issues are related to the circuit boards. You end up paying so much money for those circuit boards. It’s kind of like when your printer breaks. Sadly, most electronic devices are basically disposable. You end up buying another one because you can’t find anybody to repair electronics. And digital pianos are no exception.

What goes wrong with digital pianos?

Generally speaking, unless there’s a spike in the current, like your home is hit with lightning or there’s some kind of surge of current, your piano should probably do fine for many years. The problem that people typically have is with the key contacts themselves—the mechanical components, not the electronic components. Because wherever the keys come down, there has to be metal-to-metal contact. If pianos are in a very humid or dusty environment, eventually you might find certain keys don’t play correctly. Maybe you have to hit it a couple of times, or you’ll play a note and it’ll be at full volume because it’s not getting the right information. Sometimes there are optical sensors there, and if even a tiny amount of dust gets in there, it can be a nightmare. It may be inconsistent in its performance. Can that be fixed? Technically, it could be, if you could find somebody crafty enough to figure out how to take the thing apart!

Just like computers, digital pianos keep getting better and cheaper all the time.

So when your digital piano is no longer operating correctly, buying a new one is generally what people do. But how long is the life of these instruments? Unless the environment is really harsh, you should be able to get ten years out of a digital piano. You might not get as much life from a cheaper one or one that’s taken around on the road a lot or in a house with smokers where there’s a lot of particulate matter in the air. But I have friends who have had digital pianos for decades that are still going strong! So it’s not always the case that you only get ten years out of a digital piano. In the right environment, you might get 20 or more years out of a digital piano.

If you want to prolong the life of your digital piano, get a surge protector.

Better yet, get an uninterruptible power supply. Basically, it’s a battery that you plug into the wall that you plug your electronics into. It’s great for any sensitive electronic equipment. Everything is running off the battery all the time. So if the electricity goes off or there is a surge, it doesn’t matter. It provides a stable current. So that is your foolproof way of avoiding one cause of failure.

Sometimes you can do a reset routine.

If you’ve ever had a problem with any electronic gear, there’s what’s called initialization or reset. There’s both a soft reset and a hard reset. A soft reset usually involves just turning it off and back on again. But a hard reset takes it back to the factory specs. If all else fails, try initialization or a hard reset on your device. If it’s not a mechanical issue like I described, where the keys are collecting dust or corrosion, that could very well help you.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with digital pianos!

Have any of you gotten less than ten years out of your digital piano? If so, what brand was it? And were there any circumstances that you can attribute to the short life of the piano? Have any of you had a record amount of time you’ve gotten from your digital piano? Maybe some of you have digital pianos from the 1980s that are still performing just like they did when they were new. Let us know in the comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

How Long Do Digital Pianos Last?

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. I had somebody ask me recently how long digital pianos last. I have a Steinway here, built in the late 1930s and still going strong. We rebuilt it a few years ago. But you know what? 100 years fro

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to share with you a technique for balancing your hands on the piano. One of the great things about the piano is the fact that you have different parts with your two hands. But that also makes balancing the hands difficult. I’m going to demonstrate using Fairy Tale by Kabalevsky. Watch the video for the demonstration. You’ll hear the balance of the hands with the melody above the accompaniment, which is sometimes difficult to achieve. I’m going to show you some techniques to achieve this. I have a secret technique for you that I bet you’ve never tried before!

You can use different articulations in each hand.

You can play a gentle finger staccato in the left hand to be able to differentiate the two different lines. When you do that, you get a totally different feeling in each hand. One of the simplest techniques, by the way, is to simply lean more weight on one hand than the other. Make your right hand heavy and your left hand light. Now, that sounds really easy, but it’s not always that simple. Sometimes, when you’re playing, it’s really difficult to even hear what the balance is like. Not only that, you can practice hands separately, but when you put the hands together, it’s a whole different story. How can you control the melody while also playing the accompaniment and hear everything clearly?

Try playing with one hand on the keys and the other following along on top of the piano.

By playing one hand where you absolutely hear nothing, it gives you a chance to listen to the melody. You can also reverse the hands and do the same thing to make sure you’re getting the appropriate balance out of each hand. First, play just the melody by itself without encumbering yourself by playing on top of the piano. Then, try it with one hand on top of the piano and see if you get the same sound. You can check your work by listening to each hand independently on the piano, then adding the other hand on top of the piano so you can hear if you can get the same sound when you are coordinating both hands.

Using this technique, any little deviation becomes obvious to you.

You’re going to clearly hear any issues. When you’re hearing the hands together, it’s hard to distinguish one line from the other. Your brain can’t always hear everything. So this is a universal technique you can utilize whenever you’re having difficulty either balancing the hands or creating the correct rhythm in each hand when putting the hands together. Play one hand on top of the piano so you can hear things. Compare it to what it’s like when you’re just playing each hand separately without the other hand playing on top of the piano. This is a great technique. Try it out! Let me know how it works for you! Leave your comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

Secret Technique for Balancing Your Hands on the Piano

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to share with you a technique for balancing your hands on the piano. One of the great things about the piano is the fact that you have different parts with your two hands. Bu

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to share with you 20 skill sets you need at the piano. I tried to narrow it down to the absolute essentials for you. You can check to see how many of these skill sets you have. There are some things you might not have thought of that could be really important for you to take your piano playing to the next level. I’m going to start with the most important thing for classical players and something that’s great for anybody, which is…


You may think you just have to be born with a great memory, but that’s not true. There’s a system for memorization that can be taught. Memorization makes playing the piano easier. It’s very encumbering to be watching the score. Sometimes it’s necessary, but when you have something memorized, it frees you to be expressive and just let the music come out of you naturally. What else is important? To learn more about memorization, click here!


Reading music is essential because you can’t memorize everything. Plus, if you’re accompanying other musicians, you want to be able to see the score and their part. So you want to be able to read music to familiarize yourself with a wide array of music without necessarily committing it to memory. That’s another skill that can be developed. To learn more about sight-reading, click here!


Did you know that most styles of music are not dependent on reading every note in the score? Jazz, pop, rock, country, folk—you name it. Being able to improvise is so important. It’s also a great way to have fun with music. If you have a party and people want to sing some songs, being able to play by ear is great. Not to mention the fact that it can save your neck if you ever have a memory slip during a performance. You can get back on track if you can play a little bit by ear instead of starting over again. To learn more about improvisation, click here!

Scales and arpeggios

Learning all of your major and minor scales and arpeggios is one of the foundations of good technique on any instrument, and the piano is certainly no exception. It’s an essential toolbox of technique. The vast majority of Western music is built on scales and arpeggios. Having those literally at your fingertips is of tremendous value. Don’t be intimidated by it. You can just learn one a week, and it will take you about a year to learn all of them. There’s no hurry. If you haven’t done it yet, go for it! I’ve got a spreadsheet that you can check out that can keep track of all your scales and arpeggios. To learn more about scales and arpeggios, click here!

Octave technique

You hear people play rousing octaves, and you wonder, how is that done? Well, once again, a central technique of using the wrist. I have additional videos on that for you as well. And that brings us to the essential technique of the piano. To learn more about octave technique, click here!

Learn how to identify when to use the fingers, when to use the wrists, and when to use the arms.

They all come into play, but in different ways in different contexts of music. One of the most important things about learning technique on the piano is knowing which parts of the body to use. To learn more about finger techniques, click here! For more about the wrists, click here! For more about arms, click here!

Learn how to bring out different voices in your playing.

The piano is an instrument that can play many different parts at once. You, of course, have your left and right hands, but it’s much deeper than that. Sometimes, you have inner voices. You can even have different parts within one hand. Learning how to bring out different voices is such an essential technique. And once again, there are ways you can practice that. I have techniques for this. To learn more, click here!

Learn how to achieve a smooth melodic line.

Did you know that the piano is a percussion instrument? That’s right. When you play a note, the hammer is hitting the strings. You get a strong attack and rapid decay. So how do you get a smooth melodic line? Well, it’s the art of illusion. It’s a matter of using the weight of the arm to smoothly transfer the tone from note to note. The pedal can help with that as well. To learn more, click here!

Learn how to get a beautiful sound out of the piano.

Have you ever heard somebody play and everything just sounds harsh and ugly, and then somebody will play the exact same piano and everything sounds beautiful and warm? How is that possible? Singers have physiology that makes it so, and with other instruments, there’s such a connection with the throat, the breath, and the lips. But yes, on the piano, there are ways of achieving a beautiful sound. And there are ways you might get an ugly sound if you’re not careful. So this is a really important subject for you if you haven’t covered it before in your playing. You want to always get as gorgeous a sound as possible. To learn more, click here!


Interpretation is a wide open area. It’s very subjective, but it’s something important to understand and have a grasp of. You work so hard to learn a piece of music. How do you actually let it unfold? What do you have to say about it? Do you just play it the way your teacher told you to or the way you’ve heard it in a recording? Or do you have something unique you can say about the piece? How do you develop your own voice in music? That’s what interpretation is all about! It’s the reason we play—to express our love and our unique ideas about the music. The reason we work so hard is so we can bring our ideas into these pieces of music so others can enjoy our concepts of them. To learn more, click here!

Appreciate different period styles.

To understand interpretation and many other aspects of technique, you really have to have an appreciation for the different period styles of music, from the Baroque to the Classical, the Romantic, the Impressionist, and the 20th century. They’re all different styles, and there are styles within those styles. Not to mention, the piano evolved over time. So the period the music was written in wasn’t for the same instrument as earlier or later pianos. When you’re playing Baroque music, it might not have been written for the piano at all. It was more likely written for the harpsichord! So understanding the period styles and the instruments the music was written for is very important for being able to play appropriately on the piano. To learn more about the Baroque period, click here! For Classical, click here! For Romantic, click here! For Impressionism, click here!

Another important aspect of piano technique is ornamentation.

There’s all kinds of ornamentation, such as trills. Sometimes in early music, you’ll see different squiggly lines that are representative of things that you do to embellish the music. How to translate those symbols is one challenge, but the other is simply knowing how to execute them cleanly. And there again, there are different aspects of knowing how to measure your trills and things of that nature. For more about executing trills, click here! For more about ornamentation, click here!

Music theory

A solid foundation in music theory can really enhance all aspects of your playing. Certainly, if you’re reading music, it’s helpful to know what key you’re in and to have some grasp of the chord progressions and modulations. When you’re learning a piece of music, a foundation of music theory will help you understand where you are in the structure and the harmonies. It’s going to help you learn it, remember it, and play it. For more about music theory, click here!


Harmony is kind of a subcategory of theory. Having an understanding of the keys you’re in and the relationship of tones is what harmony is all about. To learn more about harmony, click here!


One way to develop harmony is through dictation. Jazz players do dictation all the time. If you play popular music, sometimes the sheet music can be very drab and not really grasp what the original performance was about. So you listen to it and kind of copy it by ear. You can even write it down. This is a tremendous way to develop your ear and an affinity for different styles of music. To learn more about dictation, click here!

Music history

Having a grasp of music history is so important. I mentioned the period styles, but it goes so much deeper. You want to understand the culture and customs of the time and how the music fit into society. Was it something for the elite or the music of the people? The history of the time can be enlightening and might shed some light as to how the music should be approached. Is it folk music? Is it music for the Royal Courts? Having an understanding of music history can give you a depth to your playing that is really important. To learn more about music history, click here!


I talked about reading and sight-reading being important, but accompanying is an art unto itself. You want to be able to play with other musicians. All too often, pianists play by themselves so much that they lack the camaraderie that you develop playing with other musicians. You learn so much by doing this. You develop a better sense of timing, balance, and nuance. There’s nothing greater than playing with other musicians and learning from them. When you play with great musicians, it rubs off on you. You might feel squeamish about playing with people who are better than you, but take the opportunity. It will be enriching for you. For more about accompanying, click here!

Maintain a repertoire.

How many pieces can you keep in your repertoire? What pieces should you learn next? What is a well-balanced repertoire on the piano? These are really important questions for developing your piano playing and your musicianship. You need appropriate challenges in your repertoire—something that’s not going to take you an inordinate amount of time or something that you’re never going to be able to play at a high level without a foundation of learning other pieces first. You need to know what pieces to play, what pieces to study, and how many pieces you can keep in your current repertoire. It’s not limitless. But you can drop pieces and restudy them. If you try to keep everything at your fingertips and in your head, you won’t have time to learn new music! So maintaining a repertoire is a delicate balance. To learn more about maintaining a repertoire, click here!


One of the important skill sets that has to be practiced is playing for people. Because if you play by yourself, it never really comes to fruition. The act of playing for people is where the music comes alive. When you’re playing by yourself, you know what you’re doing. When you’re playing for others, there’s a give-and-take. You’ll find that you will do things in your playing that you’ve never done before. Some of them may be unfortunate things, but you may find that, particularly if you have the wherewithal to play for people on a regular basis, it can become an inspiration for ideas because you get the feeling for what people are really paying attention to and the things that leave them flat. It’s just like a comedian working out material. They don’t really know what’s going to land and what’s going to fall flat until they do it in front of a crowd. The same is true with your piano playing. Playing for people is what it’s all about! You might think no one wants to hear you. That couldn’t be further from the truth! People will be impressed with your accomplishments. If they don’t play, everything will seem amazing to them. It’s all relative. There are different things that everybody can bring to the music. You don’t have to be the most virtuoso player in the world to be able to share emotions, feelings, and nuance about the music and taste that you have that’s unique to you. So play for people. People will enjoy it, and you will grow as a musician. To learn more about playing for people, click here!

Adjusting to different pianos and different rooms

When you play on different pianos, it feels completely different, and it can give you ideas about the piece you never had before. The rooms you play in also make a tremendous difference. Have you ever played in a room that’s completely acoustically dead, where there’s no reverberation at all? You end up working harder, and you may have to use the pedal more liberally in order to make up for the lack of acoustics in the room. You might go to a hall and try out the piano before a performance, and it sounds glorious in the beautiful echoey space. Then the audience comes in, and all those bodies with clothing absorb the sound, and it’s a completely different acoustic. So learning how to adjust instantly to a piano and to a room is an essential part of piano playing. And it’s enriching because you will learn more about the pieces you play, even if you’re not performing. Any time there’s a piano somewhere where you can play, play some of your pieces on it. I guarantee that you will learn something from the experience. To learn more about adjusting to different pianos and environments, click here!

I hope these are helpful for you!

But we have just scratched the surface! What about pedaling? Here is more on that subject for you:


And there is also independence of the hands at the piano:


These are just 20 tips and essential skills on the piano with two bonus tips! Any of you who can think of other skill sets that are important, leave them in the comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

Contact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

The 20 Skill Sets You Need at the Piano

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to share with you 20 skill sets you need at the piano. I tried to narrow it down to the absolute essentials for you. You can check to see how many of these skill sets you hav

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today, I’m introducing you to the ultimate piano light. I’ve spent years looking for the ultimate piano lamp, and I’ve finally found it. Or, I should say, it found me. Several months ago, I was approached by someone who said they had a piano lamp they wanted me to check out. I looked at it, and it was for an upright piano. So I told them that most of the people who get pianos from us have grand pianos, so I really wasn’t interested. But I also said if they ever have a grand piano lamp to contact me again. I never expected to hear from them again.

People ask me all the time where to get a good piano lamp.

In this room, I have all kinds of exotic lighting to make videos I make here look good, so it’s not a huge issue. But even here, the music is not as bright as I’d like. The problem with piano lamps is that they usually don’t light the keys. You can get clip-on lamps, but they don’t come out far enough. So the keys are in shadow. He actually came through and sent me two lamps. I want to make no bones about it. I told him that unless I like these lights, I’m not even going to review them because I didn’t want to say anything bad about them. But I love these things! I’m using them now, and I want to show you what’s so great about them.

What should you look for in a piano light?

And if you can find anything as good as this, you’re really lucky. But if not, check them out for yourself on Amazon. They’re really reasonable. I can’t even believe it. It attaches to the music rack on the piano. You just twist it on, and it stays on securely. It’s a gooseneck, so you can put the light wherever you want. And most importantly, it goes out far enough so that when you turn it on, the keys are lit. No shadows on the keys, like so many other lamps! This one is long enough that you can light the keys and light the music. Not only that, but you also have control over the brightness and color temperature, which is nice to have. I kind of like the pure white and the brightest setting personally, but you might like something different. Late at night, you might not want to have that extreme, bright white light. Another nice feature is that when you turn it off, it remembers your last setting. When you turn it on, it’s exactly where you left it last.

There is a version of this lamp for upright pianos too.

Once again, you have a nice long gooseneck. The only difference is that it sits on a base instead of clamping onto the piano. You can put it wherever you want it! You can even put the base backwards so you get that gooseneck as far out as you need it. These piano lamps are everything that I’ve been looking for! If you’re looking for a great piano lamp, this is what I recommend. Check them out, and let me know what you think in the comments here at LivingPianos.com and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Resource.

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrin

For premium videos and exclusive content, you can join my Living Pianos Patreon channel! www.Patreon.com/RobertEstrinContact me if you are interested in private lessons. I have many resources for you! Robert@LivingPianos.com

The Ultimate Piano Lamp

Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today, I’m introducing you to the ultimate piano light. I’ve spent years looking for the ultimate piano lamp, and I’ve finally found it. Or, I should say, it found me. Several mo