What are the Different Sizes of Grand Pianos?

I get this question all the time – almost every day! There are a number of different descriptions for grand pianos and it can become confusing. The thing to keep in mind is that all the terms associated with grand pianos are general terms – diffe

If you’re familiar with pianos, you probably know they can be very expensive musical instruments. Many potential buyers might experience some sticker shock upon their first trip to a piano store. Grand pianos can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars! With so much range in price, how do you find the piano that is right for you and your family?

Digital Pianos

The most inexpensive option are digital pianos. A digital piano is not the same thing as a keyboard but they can look very similar. You can find a functional keyboard for as low as a hundred dollars at some stores, but if you want an actual digital piano you will have to invest more.

What makes a digital piano? Here is a quick rundown of what to look for.

88 Keys. A standard piano keyboard has 88 keys and you shouldn’t compromise on that when it comes to buying a digital instrument.

Weighted keys: Select keyboards can have the same weight as found on grand pianos. Have you ever played a keyboard with almost no resistance to the keys? It doesn’t feel like playing a piano does it? Weighted keys simulate the press of real piano keys, and may be the next best thing to having a real piano to practice on. More importantly, it will help you develop strength to play any piano.

Stand and Speakers are pretty standard on digital pianos (as opposed to keyboards). A lot of digital pianos are built to look like upright pianos and have integrated stands.

Having 3 Pedals isn’t essential, but certainly offer a nice addition to simulating the experience of playing an acoustic piano.

So how much does a decent digital piano cost? Plan on spending a minimum of between $500-$1,000 for a decent instrument and more for a digital piano with many features or attractive furniture.

Upright Pianos

As we have discussed in a previous video (Upright Pianos Vs. Grand Pianos), upright pianos have a few limitations when compared to grand pianos, but for many people they are a great option.

Here are 2 good reasons to consider getting an upright piano:

– Space
– Budget

If you can’t fit a grand piano in your home, then having an upright piano may be the next best option. If you don’t have the budget for a grand piano, you may be able to find an upright piano in your price range.

This is not to say that upright pianos are inexpensive. A top-of-the-line upright piano can cost tens of thousands of dollars!

As far as entry-level instruments go, brand new uprights piano can be found for as little as $3,500-$5,000 and should provide a decent level for beginning students.

Grand Pianos

Grand pianos cover the largest section of pianos available in that they can come in sizes ranging from baby grand pianos under 5 feet, all the way up to concert grand pianos that can be 9 feet or even longer!

Depending on your budget and space, the bigger the piano, the more rewarding the tone. However, with size comes increases in cost and as we’ve discussed in a previous video the best size grand piano for you is dependant on a number of conditions.

When it comes to new entry-level baby grand pianos, you need to spend at least $5,000-$10,000 to get any kind of instrument and potentially a lot more. The prices go up depending on the size of the piano you’re looking for. But that is a good baseline price you can expect to pay for a new, entry level baby grand piano (or even smaller petite baby grand) that will be suitable as a musical instrument (not just a furniture piece).

Used Pianos

You might have noticed that we neglected to mention used pianos up until this point. That’s because the price of used pianos is widely different than that of new instruments. In fact, the starting price for used pianos is $0!

Yes, believe it or not, you can find pianos online or in your local area for free! However, this might sound good in theory, but the reality is much more complex.

Would you buy a used car without getting the opinion of a mechanic or at least having a cursory knowledge of cars yourself? Probably not. The same principle applies to pianos. Unless you are knowledgeable about what to look for, a free piano could end up costing you much more than even a new instrument.

To provide an example, let’s say you find a used upright piano on Craigslist and someone is giving it away for free. You call them up and they say that as long as you can move the piano out of their home, you can have it. Unless you’re extremely adventurous, you’re going to want to call a professional piano mover to move the piano for you. Let’s assume that this costs a minimum of $200. Unless the previous owner took great care of the piano (which is rarely the case if they are giving it away for free!), you are going to, at the very least, get the piano tuned by a piano technician. For the sake of discussion, let’s say they can get the work done for another $200. So at a bare minimum, that free piano will actually cost $400 – which is almost the price of a brand new digital piano.

We get hundreds of pianos offered to our store every year and only a few are worth restoring. The pianos we take in are almost never in a condition to sell and they typically require thousands of dollars worth of work to put them into fine playing and cosmetic condition. Here are just a few things we evaluate with every single piano we are offered:

The finish of the case
Condition of the soundboard
The condition of the action parts on the piano
The tone of the instrument, does it need tuning, regulation, or voicing?

There are dozens more options that go into evaluating a piano, but these are just a few of the important aspects we evaluate on every single instrument. Each of these areas could cost thousands of dollars in repairs or replacement parts (as well as labor) and you must work with seasoned professionals.

Needless to say, you don’t want to move a piano into your home only to find out it’s simply beyond repair or going to cost you tens of thousands of dollars to get into playing condition. You’ll soon find out why that person was so desperate to get rid of their piano!

Buying a piano is a real challenge and whether you are looking for a new or used instrument it is extremely important to research your purchase and speak with someone you trust and is knowledgeable about what you’re looking for.

If you have any questions about this topic or any others, please contact us at: Info@LivingPianos.com (949) 244-3729

How Much Does a Piano Cost?

If you’re familiar with pianos, you probably know they can be very expensive musical instruments. Many potential buyers might experience some sticker shock upon their first trip to a piano store. Grand pianos can range anywhere from a few thousand

This is a very interesting question that doesn’t have a simple answer. The origin of the piano goes back centuries, and while there is some widely held beliefs on the subject, the story of the piano is a lot more complex than you might think.

Undoubtedly the name you will hear most when it comes to the creation of the first piano would be Bartolomeo Cristofori. Cristofori was an Italian harpsichord builder. At the tail end of the 1600’s he tried his hand at making a Harpsichord that could play both loud and soft from touch. He called his instrument, “Cimbalo di Piano e Forte” which translates, “Harpsichord with Soft and Loud”. Eventually, the name was shortened to “The Piano”. If you were to see one of these early instruments built by Cristofori, you would discover that it has more in common with a harpsichord than a modern piano!

Image Courtesy of The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art

So what separates this instrument from other harpsichords he produced? What makes it a piano?

For anyone familiar with the Harpsichord, you know that it lacks dynamic range from touch alone. You can play a key hard or soft and it will produce the same volume. This has to do with how the instrument plays a string: The harpsichord plucks the strings as opposed to a piano action which has hammers striking strings.

Harpsichord Plucking a String

Piano Hammer Striking a String

In order to create the dynamics needed, Cristofori invented a primitive piano action. A hammer would strike the string and you would be able to play dynamically – thus creating a range of expression birthing the idea behind the instrument we know today as the piano.

As time went on there were many advancements to piano design. New technologies were created and implemented. The birth of the modern piano is much more of an amalgamation over time than a single instrument created on a specific date.

It wasn’t until the mid 19th century that we saw the origins of the piano we know today. And even composers in the mid-19th century like Chopin and Liszt were writing pieces that we play on modern pianos that were written for instruments that were somewhat more primitive than the pianos we have today. The development of cross stringing hadn’t been adopted widely yet. Piano actions also continued with many refinements of technology. There were hundreds of improvements that came about throughout centuries.

Around the end of the 19th century is when we really began to see the modern piano as we know today. By the 1870’s and 1880’s Steinway was producing fully modern pianos. The models of Steinway pianos produced during the 1880’s have the same basic scale design as pianos they are building today with a number of technical refinements.

To sum up this incredibly deep and complex topic:

The original instrument considered to be a piano was created at the very end of the 1600’s.

The modern piano was available from select manufactures towards the end of the 1800’s.

If you have any questions about this topic or any others, please contact us at: Info@LivingPianos.com (949) 244-3729

When Was the Piano Invented? The History of the Piano

This is a very interesting question that doesn’t have a simple answer. The origin of the piano goes back centuries, and while there is some widely held beliefs on the subject, the story of the piano is a lot more complex than you might think. Undou

It’s sad to think that a piano can simply age to the point where it needs to be thrown away. Sadly, this is sometimes the case. But is it really the age that is the determining factor in getting rid of a piano or is it something else? Today we are going to discuss this topic in-depth and decide whether or not the age of a piano can determine it’s fate.

The age of a piano has much more to do with its upkeep, environment, and use than the date of manufacture. We have had pianos here in the showroom from the 1880s that have been restored and are in better condition than most 10-15-year-old pianos!

I recently had a conversation with a technician who found a 1906 Knabe upright – all original – from an estate where it had virtually never been played. He told me that not only do the strings (the original strings!) sound vibrant and young but the tuning is incredibly stable and you would never have known it was a piano from over 100 years ago. This is a very rare occurrence but it does happen and with the right environment the date of manufacture may be superfluous.

I’ve also run across a different issue with the age of pianos. Some Viennese piano companies were actually producing “period” type pianos well after the development of the modern piano action. While Steinway and other major manufacturers were producing pianos similar to pianos being made today, these companies were still making older style pianos. In this scenario, the age of the piano doesn’t even tell you how modern the piano is!

Ultimately, the factors that determine the age of the piano beyond just a manufacture date are:

– How much the piano has been played

– The environment the piano has been in

– The upkeep of the piano

Now we can go extremely in-depth on each of these factors above, but these are general guidelines for determining the true age of a piano – not just when it was built. Just like anything else, if you take care of your piano and keep it in a safe place it will last a long time unless you play it a lot since parts of pianos wear out. You shouldn’t be discouraged from looking at a piano just because of the date is was made – that is only a small portion of deciding whether or not the piano is a good instrument.

Thanks again for joining us, if you have any questions or comments about this subject or any subject at all please contact us directly: info@LivingPianos.com (949) 244-3729

Can a Piano be Too Old?

It’s sad to think that a piano can simply age to the point where it needs to be thrown away. Sadly, this is sometimes the case. But is it really the age that is the determining factor in getting rid of a piano or is it something else? Today we are

Is it okay to fake at the piano? Many teachers would say that you must not fake on the piano. I would tend to agree with them. But is this all-encompassing?

Let me give you some examples where faking or not playing totally accurately might actually be necessary.

Everything we strive for in practice and in teaching is geared to ensure that you know the score faithfully and can perform accurately. So, why would you want to ever play sloppily?

There have been times where I was called upon to accompany someone at an audition when their pianist didn’t show up at the last minute. Imagine sight reading the Hindemith Trombone Sonata under such circumstances if you had never played the piece. Hindemith scores are extremely complex pieces of music that are nearly impossible to read accurately at first glance. There may be some parts you can play accurately depending on the level of your reading. But some sections will be impossible to grasp initially up to tempo without working things out.

In this instance, if the trombonist didn’t have an accompanist, they couldn’t even take the audition. In situations like this, I have reluctantly accepted the challenge to rescue the soloist. I have gone in and grabbed as many notes as possible. Most importantly, I stayed with the soloist never allowing any problems to interfere with the fluidity of their performance. This is one instance where faking will be inevitable.

Here is another example. You are playing a concert and you are well prepared and are in great shape. Then you get to a certain part and something happens where you find yourself over the wrong set of keys. This could be due to a number of things such as a mechanical issue with the piano or you simply got distracted by something in the room. There is nothing better than you can do than to fake it until you get back on track because if you stop you will ruin the performance for everyone. Not only that, but people will be very uncomfortable for you. An eerie silence in the middle of a performance is not something you ever want to subject anyone too much less yourself! You are much better off faking your way through a little bit to get back on the right track rather than to correct or go back to the beginning of the section.

So there is a place for faking in some unusual circumstances. But we do everything in our power to avoid doing it. But when the situation comes up, the show must go on!

Thanks for joining me, Robert@LivingPianos.com.

Is it Okay to Fake at the Piano?

Is it okay to fake at the piano? Many teachers would say that you must not fake on the piano. I would tend to agree with them. But is this all-encompassing? Let me give you some examples where faking or not playing totally accurately might actually b

Tuning a piano cost different amounts in various regions. Some remote places have no piano technicians! So, when tuners come through, they are in incredible demand and command high rates for tuning. In metropolitan areas with lots of tuners, the going rate is usually around $100-150 – some areas are higher than others. And top-notch concert level tuners can cost substantially more.

But this is only half the story! Because it also depends upon several other factors:

– How often the piano is tuned

– How much the piano is played

– Stability of the environment

– Quality of the piano

Pianos that are played a great deal such as in schools or pianos owned by serious players who practice a lot will require much more tuning than pianos that are not played much.
A place that has wide swings of temperature and humidity will cause a piano to become out of tune more readily than in a more stable environment.

A higher quality piano will hold its tuning longer than a lower quality piano. Newer pianos and newly rebuilt pianos will also require more tuning and adjustment as strings stretch and the piano settles.

So, there is much to be considered when servicing your piano. There is almost always at least some additional adjustments necessary when getting your piano tuned. So the cost of having a piano technician visit can vary a great deal. $100-$150 would be an ideal amount to spend if you have a high quality, broken in piano tuned on a regular basis, kept in a stable environment and played minimally. In most instances, the cost will be greater.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions about this subject or any subject at all please contact us directly info@livingpianos.com (949) 244-3729

How Much Does it Cost to Tune a Piano?

Tuning a piano cost different amounts in various regions. Some remote places have no piano technicians! So, when tuners come through, they are in incredible demand and command high rates for tuning. In metropolitan areas with lots of tuners, the goin

Nearly every piano has a fallboard and you might assume that if it’s there it should be used. Should you close the fallboard on your piano when you’re not playing it?

There are certain instances when the fallboard can be useful to keep people from playing the instrument. If you have a piano in a restaurant or hotel that you don’t want random people playing, you can close the fallboard and the lid and lock the piano (if your piano has a lock). If you have a piano in your home that you don’t want children playing around with this can also be useful.

When it comes to institutional use, the locks on pianos do very little to protect them because they can be easily pried open. That’s why there are much more secure locks available to prevent people from getting inside pianos

The practical use of fallboards is to prevent dust from collecting on the keys of pianos. Playing a piano with dirty keys feels awful! However, dust will still collect on the fallboard and you will have to dust the fallboard. With delicate satin finishes, this can be more challenging than dusting the keys.

The biggest issue when it comes to closing the fallboard is whether or not you have ivory or plastic key tops.

When I was a child growing up, my father Morton Estrin would always leave his fallboards open on his pianos and I once asked him about this. He explained to me that the ivory keys on pianos will yellow if not exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. So, closing the fallboard will turn ivory keys yellow over time. In this case, you are better off leaving your fallboard open.

When it comes to plastic keys there are no other benefits to keeping fallboards open unless there is direct sunlight on the keys. Plastic can sometimes react to sunlight and degrade over time. If you want to prevent people from playing your piano or prevent dust from getting on the keys, than closing the fallboard is a good choice. However, it doesn’t prolonging the life of your piano or aid its stability.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions about this topic or any others, please contact us at: Info@LivingPianos.com (949) 244-3729

Should You Close the Fallboard on Your Piano?

Nearly every piano has a fallboard and you might assume that if it’s there it should be used. Should you close the fallboard on your piano when you’re not playing it? There are certain instances when the fallboard can be useful to keep people fro

This is a question I received the other day and I was surprised about how in-depth the answer became. All musicians are familiar with time signatures at the beginning of pieces – whether it’s 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, or even something like 12/8 – but why is there no 3 at the bottom of time signatures? The answer to this question comes down to what a time signature means.

The top number in a time signature represents how many beats there are in each measure. In other words, each measure (the box around each set of notes) of music on your sheet has that many beats contained within it – for example, a piece in 3/4 would have 3 beats in each measure of music.

The bottom number in a time signature represents the kind of note getting one beat. For example, a 1 would stand for a whole note. So a time signature with a 1 at the bottom – such as 4/1 – would mean that each whole note gets 1 beat and the top number tells you that there are 4 beats in each measure of music. A 2 at the bottom of the time signature would represent a half note and that means that every half note gets one beat. A 4 on the bottom would represent a quarter note and that would mean that every quarter note would get one beat. This goes on and on with each number representing a different note. But you might have noticed we just skipped 3 and instead went from 2 to 4; why is this?

There is not really a 3 note in music. What about something like triplets? Couldn’t you have a triplet getting one beat? The answer is not a simple yes or no.

Composers are able to make triple divisions as part of a time signature but they aren’t represented by a 3 at the bottom of the time signature. When you see time signatures like 6/8 or 12/8 these are actually functioning differently than you might think. There are certainly 6 beats in a 6/8 time signature and there are 6 8th notes to a measure. The question is, how is this different from 3/4 where you have three quarter notes in a measure? After all, three quarter notes equals the same amount as six eighth notes; it is exactly the same amount of time that’s measured. So how are these different?

When you have something like 6/8 time or 9/8, or even 12/8 time it’s actually a triple division. 6/8 time is actually two groups of three – sometimes referred to as a duple meter. In these triple division time signatures, the bottom number can represents dotted quarter notes. So 6/8 time is like having 2 dotted quarter notes in each measure. 9/8 time can be thought of as a piece with 3 dotted quarter notes in each measure. (Each dotted quarter note contains 3 eighth notes.) So, this is how a triple division of the beat is achieved with time signatures.

So why can’t we just put a three at the bottom of the time signature? Because there is simply nothing we can denote as a three note – every time signature must have a note represented in the bottom number and 3 is not represented by any particular type of note.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions about this topic or any others, please contact us at: Info@LivingPianos.com (949) 244-3729

Why is There No 4/3 Time in Music?

This is a question I received the other day and I was surprised about how in-depth the answer became. All musicians are familiar with time signatures at the beginning of pieces – whether it’s 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, or even something like 12/8 –