Can an Adult Learn a Second Instrument?

Piano Lessons / music lessons / Can an Adult Learn a Second Instrument?

Many times we let fear get in the way of learning something new or pursuing a new hobby. As we get older we might tell ourselves that learning a new language or learning a new instrument is something we just can’t do. There are number of excuses people come up with: I’m too old, I can’t learn like I used to, I don’t have the time, it’s a dumb idea, or anything else we might set up as a roadblock to prevent us from doing something new. So let’s examine this concept and find out if there are any truths to these claims or are if we are just being our own worst enemy.

So let’s get this out of the way right at the beginning, The answer to the question of whether or not an adult can learn a new instrument is yes, you can learn a new instrument! Unless you are physically or mentally compromised you can learn to play an instrument, even if you have limited or no musical experience in the past. However, for some people learning a new instrument is going to be easier than for others.

If you have no experience whatsoever with music or playing an instrument it is still possible to learn but it’s going to be a much greater challenge. If you are up for it and it’s your calling, then you should continue to pursue it. Don’t let age get in the way of your dreams. You just have to have realistic expectations. It’s not to say it’s impossible, but becoming a virtuoso musician as an adult with no prior experience is going to be extremely difficult. Is it impossible? It depends upon the person and the level of commitment. Can you learn to play and enjoy it as a hobby? Absolutely!

Music is a language and if you’ve never been exposed to it before it would be like learning a new language. It’s going to take time and it’s going to be something that’s a little harder to learn as you grow older.

The good news is that if you have a foundation in music it’s going to be much easier to learn a new instrument or a second instrument even as an adult. The fundamentals of music are the same from instrument to instrument and while the keys, strings, and methods of performing are different, the foundation of the language stays the same. If you are looking to start playing a second instrument it’s going to be much easier for you – especially if you already know how to play the piano.

Do not stop yourself from pursuing something you want to do. If you think it would make you a happier person, then you should not get in the way of trying something new. I have many people who contact me and say that they are learning the piano as an adult and that my videos as well as others have helped them to progress to a level they are very happy with and are thrilled to be playing music!

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. (949) 244-3729

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