Could Lockdown Have a Musical Solution?

Piano Lessons / piano news / Could Lockdown Have a Musical Solution?

In 2005, there were 1,200 Piano Stores in the United States

Now, there are less than 150 Piano Stores in the U.S.

The only way the piano will stay relevant in people’s lives is if they can experience it online, like everything else

The piano business is one of the only industries still operating with a 20th century model of independent, mom and pop stores selling pianos in protected territories. You need a critical mass of piano stores so people are even exposed to the instrument. Online is the only way to go.

Imagine being able to summon a grand piano to your living room from your phone, then having interactive musical experience for your family anytime that’s convenient for you.

Living Pianos makes getting a piano as simple as calling up something on Netflix! When people join the Living Pianos community, they get to share their music and musical experiences with tens of thousands of other Living Pianos subscribers.

Living Pianos Virtual Showroom allows visitors to experience rare Steinway, Bosendorfer, Seiler, Baldwin and other top-tier American and European pianos with rich media. You not only get the aid of thousands of articles and videos searchable by keywords, but also a personal team of pianists, technicians and teachers providing the ultimate musical experience without leaving your home!

Logistics are the biggest challenge facing companies trying to sell pianos nationally. But having started as an online piano company in 2006, Living Pianos has sold pianos to places as diverse as the Royal Theater in London to Shenzhen, China.

Operating a successful online piano store involves handling everything, from providing professional guidance in selecting the right instruments, to coordinating deliveries and servicing instruments around the country. Only the most cutting edge companies offer interactive musical training with rich media content. Living Pianos has thousands of videos and articles and hosts live, interactive events.

What better way is there to share time at home than with music!

When you join the Living Pianoscommunity, you get to share your music and your musical experiences with tens of thousands of other Living Pianos subscribers. Feel stuck at home? This could be the perfect opportunity to enrich your family with music with the turnkey system offered by the world’s first online piano store, Living Pianos.

I’m Robert Estrin here at Your Online Piano Store. Thanks for joining me.

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