Balancing Music and School

Piano Lessons / general / Balancing Music and School

This is a very important topic that not only applies to school but applies to nearly every aspect of life. Learning to balance and manage your time is an absolute necessity to finding success and happiness in your life. I learned a long time ago through some personal struggles that sometimes it is necessary to give up things that are good for the pursuit of what is important. You can’t do everything.

As you get older you understand that there is a finite amount of time we all have on this earth and doing something meaningful with your life is vital. When it comes to school and planning your life at a younger age it can be difficult to determine what you really want. But if you have a general idea of where you want to go in life it can be much easier to enjoy an enriching life.

If you are in school now and you are interested in pursuing music as your main focus of study, you might not want to overload yourself with more advanced academic courses. On the surface it might seem important to have great grades in the hardest classes you can handle. But when it comes to studying music, particularly working towards a performance degree, practicing music is the most important thing in getting into a good music school. You will always need good grades but overloading yourself with advanced courses and neglecting your music studies will put you at a distinct disadvantage.

On the other hand, if you are pursuing music as a hobby and are pursuing another career, you probably should prioritize your academic studies ahead of your music practice. You can still enjoy musical activities no matter what career you choose.

You also have to look at yourself and understand the type of person you are and the personality traits you have. Do you like to be alone more and work by yourself? Maybe you enjoy scheduling yourself to the maximum diving into work and study without much social interactions. On the other hand, maybe you enjoy social activities, sports, being with family and other things that take you away from work or studying for large amounts of time. Don’t be afraid to balance your life according to your personality as opposed to forcing yourself into something you don’t enjoy. This will help you to find happiness in life.

The best thing you can do is be honest with yourself. Understand that you can’t do everything and having a focus in life is something that is very important to achieving a successful career and a happier life.

Thanks again for joining me Robert Estrin

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