It’s Not Important How Much You Practice

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Welcome to, I’m Robert Estrin. Did you know that it’s not important how much you practice? It’s not important how much you memorize. It’s not important how much you work on scales and arpeggios. Likewise, it’s not that important how much you exercise. None of these things are important.

What is important is how often you do these things!

What’s important is how often you practice, how often you memorize, and how often you work on scales and arpeggios. And indeed, in a recent study, they found that the most important component for health is not how intensely you exercise; it’s how often you exercise. The same is true with your piano practice. There are some really good reasons for this.

It’s the things you do every day that make a difference in your life.

You want to get to the important things every day. The blue zones around the world, where people live to be over 100 on a much more regular basis, are areas where exercise is just part of life. If you live in the mountains of Sardinia, Italy, walking up and down the hills is just a part of your life. You don’t have to make appointments to go to the gym three times a week. Just by going out and getting your food, you’re going to be getting exercise.

Make sure your piano is in a place where you’re going to pass by it.

You shouldn’t have to have a long ritual to get going with your practice. It’s good to close your piano for the health of the instrument, at least at night, but make it so that you can get to it easily. Make it a part of your regular routine. Make memorization part of your regular day, or at least learning new music. You want to always be expanding your repertoire. How often you practice is much more important than how much you practice. Cramming doesn’t work that well for a lot of aspects of piano practice, but the continuity of study is vitally important to build upon what you do each day.

With consistent practice, you will grow enormously.

So rethink your whole strategy for how you practice and live your life. If the things you do are important to you, do them on a very regular basis, and you will be rewarded. It will be of far greater benefit to you than just the sheer amount of time you spend with activities. Take that to heart with your piano practice and your health! Let me know how it works for you. Leave your comments here at and on YouTube! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at, Your Online Piano Resource.

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