Knabe Concert Grand Piano 95440

List Price: $90,000
Our Price:$21,500

Model:Concert Grand
Serial #:95440
Build Date:1924
Color:Ebony Satin
This is a classic American piano from the golden era from one of the most noteworthy piano companies in the country. It has new strings, tuning pins, damper felt, hammers, shanks and knuckles. The plate has been regilded, and the case has been refinished. Knabe is a venerable American company going back to the 1850’s. They are on most people’s short list of greatest American piano manufacturers of all time.
Concert grand pianos have the ultimate scale design. Most pianos have severe compromises in scale design because the bass strings aren’t long enough to produce a true tone. Most of the sound is overtones. Not only that, but whenever you depress the sustain pedal, the long bass strings are allowed to sympathetically vibrate. So, you get much richer sound than in smaller pianos. Another factor is the massive soundboard. Like bigger speakers on a sound system, larger soundboards produce a richer tone than smaller soundboards.
The touch is also more substantial on a concert grand. This is due to the longer keys – not the part you see, but behind the fallboard. So, unlike in smaller pianos where the keys move very little close to the fallboard (like being close to the center on a see-saw) you get a more consistent feel from the front of the key to the back of the key on a concert grand piano. This makes performing on large grand pianos an easy transition. Once you get a fine concert grand, you will never be completely satisfied with anything less.