Mason and Hamlin Model A Grand Piano 27954
List Price: $31,800
Our Price:$19,995
Company:Mason & Hamlin
Serial #:27954
Build Date:1918
Color:Ebony Satin
Size:5' 8"
This is a Mason & Hamlin grand piano made in Boston at a stellar time for Mason & Hamlin production. More than that, the instrument has been meticulously and lovingly restored to a very high level of performance. The piano plays beautifully and looks great
- New Pin Block
- New Strings
- New Tuning Pins
- New Damper Felts
- New Shanks, Flanges, Knuckles
- New Hammers
- New Key Bushing Felts Center & Front
- New Shank Rest Felts
- New Key End Red Felts
- New Back Rail Felts
- New Key Front Punching Felts
- Satin Block Refinished Case
- Gilded Plate
- New Strings
- New Pinblock
- New Tuning Pins
- Refinished Hardware
- Complete Regulating
- Tuning A-440
The richness of the tone of a great Mason & Hamlin like this has to be experienced to fully appreciate. The tone of this piano rivals that of much larger pianos. This is in due partly to the wider tail which allows for more soundboard area than in comparably sized pianos. But there is more to the Mason & Hamlin scale design that creates such richness of tone.
Mason & Hamlin pianos also are built to a higher standard than other pianos weighing 50% more than other pianos. The massive inner rim and metal Tension Resonator System create a solid structure that makes these pianos last longer than other instruments.
If you have been looking for the ultimate American made instrument of this size, this is a fabulous choice!