What Influence Does Classical Music Have on Modern Popular Song?

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Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I’m going to answer a viewer submitted question. Ploy asks, “What Influence Does Classical Music Have on Modern Popular Song?” What does modern music have to do with music from hundreds of years ago? Quite a bit really. Music is an evolving language. I would go so far as to say, modern popular song wouldn’t exist without the roots of Classical music. It’s so obvious to those of us who have delved deeply into music theory and music history because you see a lineage of development.

The structure of a pop song goes back to sonata-allegro and rondo forms.

These forms have been around for centuries. The harmonic language that is utilized in modern music is something that developed hundreds of years ago. This isn’t to say that music doesn’t continue to evolve, because it absolutely does. The integration of Afro-Cuban rhythms in jazz and leading to rock and even hip hop. It’s all a lineage. You can hear it if you appreciate that it’s a musical language that continues to grow. But if you took away the roots, what would you have left? You wouldn’t have the flourishing that we see today.

An appreciation of Classical music will serve you well if you’re writing in contemporary styles.

There are some exceptions to this. There are some styles of music that are so far afield, experimental styles that maybe have little to do with the roots of Classical music. But that’s really the exception rather than the rule. So for those of you who are delving into composition of popular songs, a good understanding of Classical harmony is invaluable for you. You will see so many things that will open your eyes to new possibilities in your writing. I hope that this is helpful for you, Ploy!

I’m Robert Estrin here at LivingPianos.com, Your Online Piano Store.
Please feel free to contact us with any piano related questions for future videos!


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