How a Piano Move Put My Wife Into Labor

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Welcome to, I’m Robert Estrin. Today I have a wild story for you about how a piano move put my wife into labor. This is a true story that you have to hear to believe!

I had a good friend at the time who was also a pianist and keyboardist.

This was at a time when keyboard technology was advancing rapidly. We were both totally enamored with the latest synthesizer gear. We were always buying new keyboards and other things, and we would get together to compare notes and just have a blast jamming together all the time. His mother had a Knabe grand piano. She was having some work done in her home, and she had to store the piano somewhere. So he asked me if I could possibly help with that. The only place we really had room for a piano was our living room, because at this time we had 27 pianos in our 1100-square-foot house! So we put it in our living room, and it was fine there. She also had a nice dining room table, and she asked us to store that too. We got rid of our junky dining set to make room for it. So we had her dining table and piano, and everything was fine.

At a certain point, she suddenly decided she had to have her piano back.

It was really weird because we knew each other really well. One time, we had her over to our house when my mother was visiting. We all had a good time together. I even played for her on her piano! But for some reason, she suddenly freaked out and absolutely had to get her piano and dining set back right away. I let her know that my wife was in her ninth month of pregnancy, and we wouldn’t have a table to eat at. But she was adamant about getting her things back. So we made arrangements to have the piano moved as soon as possible since she was so desperate about the whole situation for some unknown reason. So the move was arranged. At the same time, there was another piano that I needed to move.

On the same day, I was playing music for a wedding, so I couldn’t be there for the piano move.

I couldn’t be home for the move, but it wasn’t a problem because my piano tuner was also a skilled piano mover. But at the last minute, the people he usually used to help with moves weren’t available, so he had to get some other people to help with the move. That’s where the trouble began. They showed up to move the piano. My wife, being 9 months pregnant, was trying to keep our 2-year-old daughter away from the move. My friend was a really good piano mover, but he wasn’t much of a communicator.

At a certain point, nobody was holding onto the piano, and it started to tip over.

My wife saw the piano starting to fall and caught it just in time! Who knows what would have happened if that piano had been damaged. This woman was already really upset for no reason that we could ascertain. But fortunately, everything worked out. I got home, and we had a late dinner. Then, at 1:00 in the morning, we were about to go to bed, and my wife went into labor with our second child! The epilogue to the story is that everything worked out great. We have two wonderful, healthy children, and that woman got her piano back. So that story had a happy ending! Thanks again for joining me, Robert Estrin, here at, Your Online Piano Resource.

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