How to Play Chords on the Piano Part 2: Fast Chords

Piano Lessons / how to play piano / How to Play Chords on the Piano Part 2: Fast Chords

Welcome to the second part in my two part series of How to Play Chords on the Piano. Last time we covered How to Play Slow Chords, today I will discuss how to play fast chords.

With slow chords I emphasized the use of the arms. In order to get better clarity and tone out of your slow chords – whether loud or soft – the technique lies in the arms. This is not the case with faster chords.

The secret to playing fast chords is the wrist. There are moments when you simply can’t move your arms fast enough – this is where learning proper wrist technique can be very helpful. I actually produced an entire video called; It’s all in the Wrist which demonstrates more advanced techniques for this method.

Thanks again for joining me Robert Estrin (949) 244-3729

One thought on “How to Play Chords on the Piano Part 2: Fast Chords”


  1. Dear Robert, You are providing a service to many who aren’t
    taking piano lessons but want to improve their mechanics. Bravo for your endevors
    in this regard! Keep up the good and interesting good work.

    Keep a song in your heart

    Ed Whitting, RPT

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