How to Transpose Music to Any Key

Piano Lessons / music theory / How to Transpose Music to Any Key

Welcome to I’m Robert Estrin. The topic today is, “How to Transpose Music to Any Key.” Wouldn’t it be great if you could instantly play in any key? If you play jazz or popular styles of music, a lot of times a singer will come in and say, “I want to do this song, but can we take this in E flat instead of F?”, or something of that nature. How do you do that? It’s not easy! Certainly some types of music are harder to transpose than others. For example, if somebody gave you a Tchaikovsky concerto to transpose it might be difficult because there are so many notes to play. Naturally when you’re working from lead sheets or chord charts it’s a lot easier because you just change the chords. But how do you even do that?

What is the secret to transposition?

Is there a shortcut? Not really, but there are some tips that can help you. If you know your key signatures, and you can think them through, meaning you know the sharps and the flats associated with every single major scale, it makes transposition so much easier. Otherwise, on the piano, you could just go up or down and it would be the simplest thing in the world, transposing a simple chord progression in C major (with all white keys) to other keys. If you could just go up one key and everything would sound the same, it would be great! But it wouldn’t sound the same because black keys would not be in the same position. But, for example, if you know your key signature of D major has an F sharp and a C sharp, you just move your hands over those keys and it would work!

How do you go about learning key signatures?

First of all, you should practice all your major and minor scales and arpeggios. That’s a first step just so you have the technique to physically play them. Then you’ll know what the notes are. So you could start with a simple progression and play it in several different keys. That is going to go a long way toward helping you when you’re transposing music.

How I transpose is a little bit different. It will have value for those of you who are willing to put the time in. I was so fortunate to grow up in a musical household. I studied piano with my father Morton Estrin who not only was a great concert pianist, but a phenomenal teacher. I used to go to his theory classes even years after I’d initially completed them because I’d always learn something new. One of the things I learned from those classes was solfeggio, putting music into syllables, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do. If you know the solfeggio syllables, you can put them into any key! The combination of being able to hear your music, put it into syllables, and knowing your key signatures makes for instant transposition! However, it’s not so instant to master solfeggio! But, for those of you who are younger students, or people who are serious and want to really master transposition as well as composition, improvisation, and being able to play by ear, there’s no substitute for sight-singing whether you use syllables or not. It’s going to help you immeasurably making the connection between what you hear and what you play.

Try sight-singing!

Here’s the thing about piano: you can push a key down and produce a pitch without first hearing it in your head. This isn’t true with singing. It’s not true for a lot of instruments. I’m also a French horn player. On French horn, you can get so many different notes on the open horn, that you better hear what you are about to produce or it’s going to be very difficult to hit the right notes. So I recommend sight-singing. If you can spend time studying to get fluent with sight-singing, and learn your key signatures, you can put music into any key. It’s a process. There’s no way to do this instantly. There are some little tricks though.

Learn your clefs.

When I was 13 years old, I went to a music and arts camp, Camp Tomoka in the Berkshire mountains. I went to the first music session, and discovered a mishmash of instruments there. I thought there was going to be a band, orchestra, chorus etc. But when I got there, I was put into a room full of all different instruments and there were less than a dozen of us in the entire music program! There weren’t any French horn parts. I had to transpose. Of course, French horn is a transposing instrument and you must learn how to transpose. But I was only 13 years old! I found that if I had something in E-flat horn, which would be a whole step lower, I would just pretend I was in the bass clef. Sometimes I would use the thumb valve to help with transposition since it would change the valve combinations to different points in the scale. There were all kinds of little tricks I would use.

Here is another valuable technique for transposition. If you learn your clefs, not just treble and bass clef, but learn your C clefs, this is a way you can instantly transpose your music as long as you know your key signatures. Because the C clef can make any line middle C. So, if you get comfortable with all your clefs, transposition is a breeze.

These are just some ways to learn to transpose. I wish I could offer a silver bullet that would simplify transposition for you. But, if master your key signatures, and get familiar with all your major and minor scales and arpeggios, then, you are halfway there. That’s our lesson for today. I hope this is helpful for you.

I’m Robert Estrin here at, Your Online Piano Store.
Please feel free to contact us with any piano related questions for future videos!

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