Is it Harder to Play the Piano Left Handed?

Piano Lessons / how to play piano / Is it Harder to Play the Piano Left Handed?

This is an excellent question and it’s something that many people wonder about but might be afraid to ask.

You might think that so much is dependent on the right hand that there might be some truth to this. Although, I have people ask me all the time about whether or not it would be easier to play piano if they were left handed because they have so much more trouble with the left hand. So what is the answer?

When it comes to playing the piano, you have to ambidextrous because both hands have an equally important responsibility. It is true that more of the melody is played in the right hand, but the left hand has more outstretched positions. So each hand has their own unique set of challenges and whether or not you favor one hand over the other will not change much.

So the simple answer is no. It’s not harder to play the piano left handed or right handed. They both present unique sets of challenges that can only be overcome by practicing.

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