(949)244-3729   info@livingpianos.com
16013 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, OH 44110

Ant. Nesmadba’s Sohn Art-Case Viennese Grand Piano 561

This instrument won the coveted state prize: K.K. Staatspreis, and was handcrafted in Olmütz, Austria. It was manufactured before the adoption of design elements which later became commonplace such as, continuous rim, English style action, and modern damper system. This piano is a classic example of the great Viennese tradition of Bösendorfer and other great Austrian piano makers from years past. This is a historical period piece and is tuned to A 335

The woodworking exemplifies a tradition from a bygone era. The action is light and the tone is delicate with the leather covered felt hammers which is how pianos were manufactured at that time.

The condition of this piano is remarkable. It has undoubtedly been restored since the soundboard, plate, finish and other structural components are fresh. Yet, you can see by the candleholders built into the music rack that this piano reflects a different age from the intricate woodwork to the handcrafting of the action.

As time goes on, there will be fewer and fewer of these instruments around without spending a small fortune to remanufacture. This truly is a piece of history and a fascinating musical instrument!



List Price: $78,960

Our Price:$12,750


Financing available through Piano Credit Company,
Please Click Here to apply for financing.
Financing available through Allegro,
Please Click Here to apply for financing.

Company:Ant. Nesmadba's Sohn

Model:Viennese Grand

Serial #:561

Build Date:Turn of the 20th Century

Color:Burled Walnut with inlays


The piano had a rich history of development from the harpsichord, to the early fortepiano of Mozart’s time, to the modern piano. You can explore this development in my Living Piano Journey Through Time Historic Concert Experience.