Bechstein Baby Grand Piano Model L
List Price: $125,900
Our Price:$25,000

Serial #:57035
Build Date:1927
Color:Ebony Satin
Size:5' 6"
The Bechstein model L is perhaps the most highly regarded baby grand ever produced going back to before WWII. This piano was rebuilt and refinished inside and out. The tone is rich and warm with remarkable sustain into the high register, and a fat bass that belies the size of this piano.
The good news is, that the soundboard of this piano is original and has been masterfully reworked to provide excellent crown and structural integrity. The hammers, shanks, knuckles and all other worn action parts have been replaced with top quality components. The piano has been restrung, and the hand-rubbed satin lacquer finish is like new. The action weight is ideal for someone who wants a piano that responds smoothly to the touch and can accommodate lightning fast repetition.
At around 5 1/2 feet long, this piano is technically right between a baby grand and grand piano. It is an ideal size for many spaces since it is large enough to produce a rich sound in all registers, and offers appropriate volume for home use. If you are after a no compromise piano that will fit easily into your home, this may be the ideal piano for you.