Knabe Art-case Grand Piano

List Price: $52,750
Our Price:$12,795

Serial #:25821
Build Date:1885
Color:Mahogany Satin
Size:6' 1"
Knabe is one of the most respected American piano makers among hundreds of companies producing pianos in the United States. (Today, Knabe is produced in Asia by Samick.) This instrument has been lovingly cared for through the ages. It’s sad to think of all the pianos from long ago that have not had the good fortune to be maintained over time.
There is a richness to the sound of great Knabe pianos like this which is why many concert artists and noted musical organizations (like the Metropolitan Opera, and the San Francisco Opera to name two) chose Knabe as their official piano. This piano also has magnificent woods rarely seen today which were hand-crafted with carvings that are magnificent to beyond.
If you appreciate the great pianos from the Golden Era of American piano building, this is a rare find. As the years go on, there will be fewer and fewer examples of this stellar work which was so prevalent in America years ago.