Mason & Hamlin Grand Piano
List Price: $87,382
Our Price:$29,795

Company:Mason & Hamlin
Serial #:32910
Build Date:1926
Color:ebony satin
Size:5' 8"
Mason & Hamlin has been making pianos since the 1800’s and still handcrafts the model A in Massachusetts. This piano was built before the Aeolian Piano Company acquired them in the early 1930’s. It has been rebuilt and refinished to the highest standard. What’s so spectacular about this particular model A is the quality of sound that comes from the original soundboard!
Mason & Hamlin pianos are known for their big, rich sound and robust design. The wide tail allows for a larger soundboard area than in most other pianos. The hardwood inner and outer rims are thicker, and they have larger cast iron plates supporting the structure of the piano. They also feature their patented Tension Resonator System which further supports the frame of the piano with metal bracing.
This piano has a new pinblock, tuning pins, strings, damper felts, hammers, shanks, flanges, whippens and backchecks. The pedal lyre has been rebushed as have the keys. The plate has been re-bronzed, and the metal parts have been re-plated. The case has also been refinished with multi-layer sprayed lacquer finish which is hand-rubbed like the original finish on the piano.
When playing new pianos of the same model and manufacturer, they all have unique qualities. We have had many Mason & Hamlin model A’s over the years. This piano has an unusually lively sound with exceptional sustain. With the quality of restoration, there is something even new Mason & Hamlin pianos don’t offer. There is a unique quality of sound of a great pre-Aeolian Mason & Hamlin piano that you will experience when you play this piano.