Schiedmayer Grand Piano
List Price: $148,900
Our Price:SALE $21,750

Model:Grand Piano
Serial #:33760
Build Date:1917
Color:Ebony Polish
Size:6' 4"
Schiedmayer pianos go back to a family of instrument builders in the 1700’s. They achieved the winner of the Grosse Goldene Medaille für Kunst und Wissenchaft distinction. This venerable German piano builder is related to Ibach, another great German piano company.
This piano has been masterfully rebuilt and refinished by Steffes & Schultz in Germany with new hammers, strings, tuning pins, damper felts, and more. The action is fluid and responsive. This piano has the rare quality of having a rich, complex tone that is clear with a long sustain for exceptional lyrical playing.
The action is not too heavy and the speed of repetition is fast and responsive. The Schiedmayer family of piano builders have a rich history of producing first rate pianos. Schiedmayer is on the short list of fine German pianos. It has been given new life for future generations with masterful restoration.