Schimmel Designer Upright Piano 275.894

List Price: $27,398
Our Price:$10,500

Model:Designer Upright
Serial #:275.894
Build Date:1988
Color:Mahogany Polish
This is truly a one of a kind piano. The sound from the top register down to the deepest bass is rich beyond what you would ever imagine an upright piano could produce. It is also an exquisite furniture piece that offers a unique design that allows you to hear the open sound of the piano. It also has a unique feature which has dual lights which fold out of the piano so you can read your music easily with an elegant solution that is visually stunning.
The action has a formidable feel which while not unusually heavy, offers the solid feel associated with grand pianos. Every now and then top piano companies will produce an instrument which stretches the limits as to what is possible. This piano achieves a quality of sound and touch beyond what upright pianos normally are capable of in a unique design that is functionally exceptional and offers a compelling design.