Universal Player Piano 7461

List Price: $25,900
Our Price:$1,950
Plus Shipping

Company:Universal MOVING SALE: $1,950
Serial #:7461
Build Date:1981
Color:Oak Satin
List Price: $25,900
Sale Price: $5900
It’s really hard to find a player piano in good condition. Restoring just the player mechanism can cost over $10,000! Since most player pianos were made over 100 years ago, few of them are ever restored.
This piano was built in the 1980s and has had moderate play and lived in the gentle, Southern California climate. So, it’s in excellent condition. The only signs that the piano isn’t new are subtle aging of the finish only on the bottom of the piano which is not readily apparent.
Player pianos were staples of American life at one time. You will get a box of rolls to play on this piano when you aren’t playing it yourself! You can control the speed and volume of the playback. Many of the rolls have the words to the songs scrolling by. So, you can sing along if you like!
You can also engage a mandolin effect by turning a lever which engages metal strips between the hammers and the strings for a dramatic tonal change.
The piano can be operated by pumping the pedals, or you can simply turn a switch and have the piano play for you.
The piano also has sufficient height to offer a rich tone and full bass whether you are engaging the player system or playing your favorite music on the piano.
The design details include small sculptures as well as stained glass. It is a beautiful furniture piece, high-quality musical instrument, as well as being an entertainment center for your home. This is a one of a kind piano!