Yamaha Model G3 Grand Piano F5070192
List Price: $56,999
Our Price:$12,979

Serial #:F5070192
Build Date:1991
Color:Ebony Polish
Size:6' 1"
This California piano has been played very little and has been regulated, voiced and tuned to satisfy the most discriminating player. It has been voiced to produce a warm tone that opens up when you play with energy. (The G3’s often have a warmer tone than Yamaha C3’s.) The action is regulated to Yamaha specifications.
What is important when getting a Yamaha grand in the used market is finding one that has been well maintained and has not been beaten to death like so many you find out there. That’s why finding this Yamaha grand piano produced for the U.S. market in such fine condition is rare.
If you are a serious player, teacher, or recording artist, or just someone who appreciates a fine Yamaha grand piano, this is worth investigating for yourself.