Yamaha U1 Upright Piano 450152

List Price: $10,949
Our Price:$3,995
Plus Shipping

Serial #:450152
Build Date:1965
Color:Ebony Satin
Here is a classic Yamaha U1 that shows minimal wear, looks beautiful and plays great! It has excellent felt on the hammers and no corrosion on the strings. The case is also in great shape.
With pianos, condition is of paramount importance. I have seen 10 year old Yamaha U1’s showing more wear than this piano. The soundboard is also in great shape and produces a rich, singing sound.
When we get a piano like this, our technicians go through and perform full regulation, voicing, tuning and string work bringing the piano to a high level of performance.
This piano has a warm sound rather than the harsh, metallic sound you get out of older pianos that are worn out. This piano should provide a satisfying playing experience for many years to come.