The Story of the HARDEST GIG of my Life!

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Welcome to, I’m Robert Estrin. Today, I want to share a personal story about the most challenging gig I’ve ever had. You might assume it was a demanding solo recital or a complex concerto performance, but surprisingly, it was an entirely different experience that tested me in unexpected ways.

The Unexpected Challenge: An Irish-Themed Party

Many years ago, I was hired to play at a St. Patrick’s Day party. The hosts requested Irish music, a genre I wasn’t particularly familiar with. To prepare, I purchased a comprehensive book of Irish songs to sight-read during the event. Upon arrival, I found the guests in high spirits, having already indulged in the festivities. I began with “Greensleeves,” a tune I assumed would be well-received.

Navigating Uncharted Musical Waters

Shortly after I started, a gentleman, clearly enjoying the celebration, approached me at the piano. He expressed dissatisfaction with my song choices, seeking more adventurous tunes. I offered him the songbook to select pieces he preferred, but he dismissed it, claiming none of the songs were suitable. Then came the unexpected twist: he decided to sing a song to me, expecting me to play it back from memory.

The Impromptu Performance

There I was, with a room full of guests anticipating the melody, and I had to rely solely on my memory of the gentleman’s rendition. This scenario repeated throughout the evening, with him introducing songs unfamiliar to me, each time expecting an immediate performance. It became an intense exercise in musical dictation, pushing my abilities to their limits. I was the only one in the room completely unfamiliar with all the songs!

Reflecting on the Experience

Despite the mental exhaustion, I managed to navigate the evening successfully, much to the guests’ delight. This experience stands out as the most challenging gig of my career, not because of technical difficulty, but due to the spontaneous demands placed upon me.

Share Your Stories

I’m curious to hear about your challenging gigs. Perhaps you’ve faced outdoor performances under unpredictable weather or dealt with unplayable instruments. Let’s share our experiences and learn from one another.

Thank you for joining me here at, your online piano resource. I’m Robert Estrin. Looking forward to our next musical journey together.

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