Understanding Inversions in Music

Piano Lessons / music theory / Understanding Inversions in Music

Welcome to LivingPianos.com. Robert Estrin here with one of the most fundamental aspects of music and harmony: what is an inversion? In a recent video, I explained triads, the most fundamental chord. I have a future video about seventh chords and expanded chords. But first, let’s delve into inversions.

The Concept of Inversions

In 1722, John Philipp Rameau first articulated that chords can be inverted. But what does this mean? Sometimes you see chords with different intervals, but Rameau stated that all chords are built upon the interval of the third. If it’s not a third, it’s an inversion.

Let’s take a C major triad: C, E, G. What happens if you put the E on the bottom? Now you don’t have thirds. Instead, you have a third (E to G) and a fourth (G to C). This new arrangement is the first inversion.

Identifying Inversions in Music

These inversions are identified differently in harmonic analysis and sheet music. If you invert the chord again, with G on the bottom, you get a fourth (G to C) and a third (C to E), creating a second inversion of the C major triad.

In sheet music, these would be labeled simply:

C major: C
First inversion: C/E
Second inversion: C/G

In harmonic analysis, it’s more detailed:

Root position: C major
First inversion: C major 6 (or 6/3)
Second inversion: C major 6/4

Seventh Chords and Their Inversions

Seventh chords are a bit more complex due to having four notes. For example, a G7 chord (G, B, D, F) in C major:

Root position: G7
First inversion: G7/B
Second inversion: G7/D
Third inversion: G7/F

In harmonic analysis:

Root position: G7 (or 7)
First inversion: G7 6/5
Second inversion: G7 4/3
Third inversion: G7 4/2

Remember, these notations reflect the intervals:

6/5: a sixth and a fifth above the bass note
4/3: a fourth and a third above the bass note
4/2: a fourth and a second above the bass note

Practical Application

Understanding inversions helps in harmonic analysis and playing from lead sheets. For example, a dominant seventh chord, the most popular type, is assumed when you see a notation like G7 without further specification.


Inversions are essential in understanding chord functions. All seventh chords can be inverted and named in the same way, whether they are major, minor, or diminished. You can identify the root of the chord by arranging notes in thirds, giving you insight into chord function and resolution.

I hope you enjoyed this music theory primer. Let us know in the comments if these videos are helpful. This is LivingPianos.com, your online piano store. Thanks for joining me!

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6 thoughts on “Understanding Inversions in Music”


    1. There are countless ways to record piano. The type of sound you are after is key for how to place microphones. Also, the acoustics of the room, as well as how the piano sounds, enter into microphone placement. Here is some information on microphone placement that may be of help to you: https://livingpianos.com/how-to-record-piano/
      You could start with a coincident pair of cardioid microphones (directional microphones next to each other at a 90 degree angle) facing the piano from about 3 feet from the curve of the piano and around 5–6 feet from the ground.

    1. I was so fortunate to have studied music theory in my father’s classes growing up. He always had a way of breaking things down into digestible chunks of information!

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