This is one of the most common questions I get from people. Parents are often looking for resources to help find a good music teacher for themselves or their children. While there are the usual suspects like Yelp!, Craigslist and flyers around town, are there any other resource to help find good music teachers?

Here in California you can utilize the MTAC (Music Teachers’ Association of California). You may have a similar organization in your state and which can be a great place to start looking for a teacher. While these resources can provide you with a list of names, how do you know if any of them are good?

There is an interesting dynamic when it comes to teachers and their ability to play. Not all great teachers are fine pianists, and not all great pianists are capable teachers. You might wonder, how someone who can’t play the piano very well could be a great teacher? In some cases the person might have been a better player in their youth and as they’ve aged, their skills have diminished due to physical limitations. There are also some instances where high level musicians have no idea how they do what they do and can’t provide valuable instruction.

Another option is attending student recitals of teachers you’re researching. The solidity of their performances can give you great insights into the quality of the teaching.

You can also ask people around you locally who play the piano, who they’ve studied with, and why they like their teacher.

Once you find a teacher and call them up, one of the most important questions you can ask them is, “Do you teach how to practice?”. Listen carefully to their response. If they say yes, ask them for a brief explanation of how they approach it. A concise, well thought out answer is a good sign that they offer high quality instruction.

Teaching is not just assigning material and correcting mistakes, teaching students how to practice their music on their own and what they should be doing on a daily basis will help take their playing to a whole new level. Once a week is nowhere close to enough time to learn the piano. Your teacher should be providing you with instruction on what to do when you are away from your teacher the other 6 days of the week. This is essential.

You may run across teachers who have an incredible collection of talented students who are all extremely gifted. However, just because they have a number of students who are very talented doesn’t necessarily mean they are great teachers. There are a lot of instances where very accomplished pianists attract great students because of their reputation or the status of the school where they teach. They may be valuable as coaches to foster the growth of already accomplished pianists as opposed to offering formative instruction on their instruments. There are a some instances where this is exactly what a student needs, but it might not be right for you.

The most important thing is to select a teacher who matches your expectations. For example, if you want to learn classical music, find a teacher who specializes in classical music. The age group of the teachers’ students is also something to be aware of. Not all teachers are good with children while others specialize in teaching children or even very young children. There are so many teachers out there and finding the right one can be a real challenge. But with a little research you can find someone who offers the right instruction for you.

If you have any questions about this topic or any others, please contact us at: (949) 244-3729

How to Find a Good Piano Teacher

This is one of the most common questions I get from people. Parents are often looking for resources to help find a good music teacher for themselves or their children. While there are the usual suspects like Yelp!, Craigslist and flyers around town,

This can be an uncomfortable situation for both teachers and students. But it’s one that invariably happens. I have personally dealt with many students over the years who have disagreed with me – and if you’re reading you know who you are!

Talented students may actually give you the hardest time as a teacher. They tend to question why they have to do something and while this can be frustrating at times it indicates that the student is thinking and that’s a positive sign. So how do you deal with situations like this?

I studied with my father, Morton Estrin ever since I was a young child until I went away to conservatory after high school. I found myself at the Manhattan School of Music with a phenomenal pianist Constance Keene and from the very first lessons I knew I was going to be challenged. Her ideas of learning and practicing the piano were radically different from my father’s and it presented new ideas for me. My father has very large hands and my hands are quite small. Ms. Keene was a much smaller person than my father. So her way of approaching the piano was different from my father’s and her approach offered me benefits.

If you are paying money for lessons or paying a lot of money to go to a conservatory to study music, it’s essential you at least listen to your teachers. You’ve selected a teacher for a reason. You have to trust what they are telling you and at least try what they are teaching you; even if it goes against everything you think and believe in. It doesn’t hurt to try.

If you are paying money for lessons or paying a lot of money to go to a conservatory to study music, it’s essential you at least listen to your teachers. You’ve selected a teacher for a reason. You have to trust what they are telling you and at least try what they are teaching you; even if it goes against everything you think and believe in. It doesn’t hurt to try.

Once you’ve tried their methods – at least a week – and have time to evaluate the value of the lesson, you might change your mind. As a student, you should be willing to keep an open mind. But you shouldn’t blindly accept anything they tell you. If you truly feel that something they are trying to teaching you is not valuable, then you can simply ask them what the purpose is. Try to keep a level head when you question their lessons as it might not go over well and you don’t want to become combative. However, asking questions can aid in the learning process.

Teaching is not a one-way street. As a student, you need to interact with your teacher and ask questions in order to learn from them. If you don’t understand something, it wont be beneficial for you to just sit there! Great teachers know how to listen to their students and get inside their heads.

Take your teacher’s advice. If time goes on and things aren’t working out then maybe you should consider finding a new teacher. Otherwise, give their ideas a chance to develop before rejecting them.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future videos please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729

What if You Disagree with Your Music Teacher?

This can be an uncomfortable situation for both teachers and students. But it’s one that invariably happens. I have personally dealt with many students over the years who have disagreed with me – and if you’re reading you know who you are!

This is an interesting topic that many of you might not be familiar with. Recently we had an amazing instrument come into the store – an 1875 Erard Concert Grand Piano. What made this piano so unique is that it’s one of the very few instruments surviving today in good condition that feature a straight strung scale design.

Around the 1880s it became much more common for pianos to feature cross stringing – which is what you will see in pretty much any piano designed and built in the modern era. Also referred to as being “overstrung” this design of crossing strings over one-another allows them to be longer and fit into a smaller frame.

Before the advent of cross stringing, pianos would have to be larger in size to produce a vibrant tone. The strings of a modern baby grand piano are generally longer since the crossing allows for longer string length for much of the piano. This is one reason why small baby grands were impossible to design before the advent of cross-stringing.

Other than the placement of the strings, the location of the bridges on the soundboard also differs dramatically between a straight strung and a cross strung piano. Modern pianos with cross-stringing allow for placement of the bridges closer to the center of the piano for more of the notes. You may wonder how the sound of earlier straight strung pianos differs from modern design instruments.

Playing one of these straight strung pianos is truly an experience. As you play you’ll hear the same type of tone production that Chopin and Liszt experienced in their day for the most part – it really transforms you back in time to a different era. It’s an exhilarating experience to hear and play their music as they heard it – a punchier, more percussive sound.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions about this topic or any others please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729 or email us:

What is a Straight Strung Piano?

This is an interesting topic that many of you might not be familiar with. Recently we had an amazing instrument come into the store – an 1875 Erard Concert Grand Piano. What made this piano so unique is that it’s one of the very few instrumen

While this might sound silly, learning to play music mentally is one of the best practice methods. All practice is mental practice. While the action of playing an instrument has a physiological component, learning and practicing is much more of a mental experience than anything else. In fact, recent brain scan tests have found that there is no difference in brain activity between someone playing an instrument or just thinking about playing an instrument!

In college I had come down with mononucleosis when I was scheduled to play a solo recital. I had become very weak but was determined to play the program. An hour and half a day is about all the practice I could handle – and that was about how long the program was. Needless to say, this was not enough time to practice. Determined to succeed despite my physical ailment, I tried something new. I ended up taking all my scores into bed with me and I practiced mentally. To my surprise, the performance ended up being the best I had ever had by far! But how can this be?

Don’t hop into bed with your musical scores just yet! You have to develop technique and playing your instrument is essential. However, you should continue practicing even when you are away from your instrument. Imagine the performance in great detail, every sound and action. By doing this you will be able to hear the music exactly how you want it to sound so you can develop your performance. Learning your music mentally away from your instrument will help you identify problem spots you didn’t know existed before. You may be depending upon tactile memory on some passages and you may realize that you don’t actually know the music as well as you thought.

Here is a great exercise for you: Take a piece you are very familiar with, remove the score, and try and play it mentally. Play as far as you can go without stopping and when you have to stop, refer back to the score and start again until you can play the entire piece from memory away from your instrument. If you do this, you will have mastered that piece of music better than any other piece you’ve played before. Whenever I play a recital I play my music in my head constantly before the performance. I make sure I can get through difficult sections again and again until things are totally clear. There is great reassurance in performance when you know your scores on this level.

Thanks again for joining me, 949-244-3729

How Do You Play the Piano with Your Mind?

While this might sound silly, learning to play music mentally is one of the best practice methods. All practice is mental practice. While the action of playing an instrument has a physiological component, learning and practicing is much more of a men

Today we are going to talk about why it’s crucially important to practice your music thoroughly as opposed to just quickly. You might think if you can practice something quickly it would be a big benefit to you but that’s not always the case.

I am actually someone who is very much in favor of short cuts wherever they can work. I’ve talked about methods in the past such as The Band-Aid Approach to practicing music that is a method in which you focus on the trouble spots of your performance in order to save time. This is not to say that this method isn’t a form of thorough practice; it’s just incredibly efficient focusing 80% of your time on 20% of the music which needs most of the work. I once had a student whose former teacher told them to play an entire piece through at a slow speed with the metronome and then speed it up one notch at a time playing through the entire piece again and again. This is definitely thorough practice but it wastes your time since only sections of the piece may require this kind of approach.

So what do I mean by thorough practice? Sometimes you’ll be learning a new piece and it’s not up to the level you want. You might find yourself jumping into random spots and trying to fix problems – this can be a mistake. Instead of moving on, go to the first spot you have difficulties with and stay focused on it. Stay with this section and keep working on it until you have it absolutely dialed in, perfect and reliable. If you stay with a section until you have it mastered as described above, you will find yourself playing it correctly even after time has elapsed. Even more importantly, the techniques you learn in that section will help you throughout the rest of the piece. There is rarely a piece of music you will encounter that doesn’t contain a repetition of ideas, techniques, harmonies and textures. So, the thorough work you do on one section will translate to other parts of the piece.

As you move through the piece perfecting trouble spots, you will find that your practice becomes incredibly productive. As opposed to just going through the piece and working on random trouble spots, find the origin of your problems, start there and practice it so completely that you can play it accurately with ease.

To recap, work on the difficulties you encounter early in a piece of music and you will be rewarded later in your practice. Thorough practice is what will make you a more accomplished musician. It is so gratifying to perfect a small part of a piece and continue on that path than to plow your way through without refining your work.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions or comments about this video or any other subject please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729

The RIGHT Way to Practice Music

Today we are going to talk about why it’s crucially important to practice your music thoroughly as opposed to just quickly. You might think if you can practice something quickly it would be a big benefit to you but that’s not always the case. I a

You might wonder whether or not it’s a frivolous expense to spend $60,000, $80,000 or more on a piano when you can buy a decent Asian production piano for a fraction of the cost. Are expensive pianos worth the price or are they merely status symbols? Let’s examine this in detail.

Yes, there is a sense of status when owning an expensive piano. Having the name Steinway, Bosendorfer, Fazioli or other esteemed brand across the fallboard of your piano makes a statement. It’s a lot like owning a designer handbag or luxury car. There is pride of ownership of a fine piano. However, beyond the name across the fallboard, what are the benefits of buying a top-tier, handmade instrument?

Fortunately, showing off the name on your fallboard is not the primary benefit of owning a high-end piano!

Beyond the status of owning an expensive instrument, the resale value of the piano will be much higher than a cheaper production instrument. The value of Steinway, Mason & Hamlin and other top-tier piano brands is very high and they retain their value unlike some production pianos which can be practically worthless in a few short years.

Think of it this way, if you buy a $10,000 production piano, when it wears out you probably wouldn’t invest to rebuild it. This is due to the fact that the cost of rebuilding is more than what the piano is worth or even the price of a new one. When it comes to top tier instruments, the cost of rebuilding is justified. So, the piano has lasting value.

If you’re looking for a piano that you can pass down from generation to generation, a high-end piano is the obvious choice.

What’s the difference in how a cheaper piano plays compared to a top-tier piano?

For the majority of players a cheaper production piano may be adequate. For a young child just starting out, an adult who likes to play occasionally, or someone who is looking at a piano primarily as a piece of furniture or even as an entertainment piece with a modern player system, you may not require anything greater than a decent production piano in your home. It can last several years with moderate use and proper maintenance.

What about for serious players?

Years ago I had a brand new, grand piano from a respected Asian manufacture that I was using as my personal practice piano. I am a serious player and practice hours every day I found that about every six months the piano required major regulation just to keep it in decent playing condition. I even had to rebuild the pedal lyre more than once because it couldn’t withstand the intense use the piano was getting. I was spending a small fortune to maintain the instrument and it was simply not worth the investment. Eventually I found a top-tier American concert grand piano from the 1970s that I still currently use and it’s been a phenomenal experience owning this piano; it can withstand my rigorous practice sessions and requires only minimal regulation on a much more occasional basis because of its stability.

Another thing to consider is that the vast majority of Asian production pianos don’t have the range of expression that top-tier pianos offer. Any serious pianist knows how to instantly adjust to the instrument in front of them. For example, if I’m performing on a concert grand Bosendorfer, Mason & Hamlin, Steinway or other top brand I can let myself go and not worry about how much energy I put into the piano. If I’m performing on a cheaper instrument I will temper my performance limiting the energy I exert to avoid unpleasant sounds out of the piano since it can’t handle my range of expression. I would relate this to turning up a cheap stereo too loud – it can create distortion and become very unpleasant to the ears.

What about if you’re playing a piece that requires quiet playing with multiple, simultaneous lines at different volumes? This is a technique that really only high level players will be able to achieve on a top-tier piano in great condition. Yet it’s something that any serious pianist absolutely requires.

These issues are not really a concern for most players or students. Unless you are a really accomplished player you probably won’t encounter these types of issues. However, if you find yourself limited in your performance because of your current instrument then it might be time to upgrade your piano to something more substantial. Even if it isn’t required, you may appreciate the quality of sound and touch and enjoy and instrument you can keep for the rest of your life.

Thanks again for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions or comments about this subject or any subject at all please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729

Why Would You Buy an Expensive Piano?

You might wonder whether or not it’s a frivolous expense to spend $60,000, $80,000 or more on a piano when you can buy a decent Asian production piano for a fraction of the cost. Are expensive pianos worth the price or are they merely status symbol

Welcome back to our multi-part series on the Burgmüller Studies. These pieces are really great for piano students at a fairly elementary level yet provide some gorgeous music. In the first lesson we covered La Candeur (Frankness) and last time we covered L’Arabesque. Today we are going to talk about how to approach La Pastorale – which is a great piece to introduce using the pedal to students.

If you followed my past lessons on Burgmüller you might notice how different each of these pieces sound. It’s a great way to introduce students to many different types of music that are both easily accessible and unique from one another.

The key to mastering this particular piece is a lot like the first lesson we covered which is to use the weight of your arms to maintain a smooth legato with rises and falls of dynamics in each phrase. This piece has the added challenge of a degree of complexity in the left hand. As opposed to the whole notes in La Candeur, you have a pattern of repeated chords:

I always recommend practicing your music without the pedal first in order to achieve a smooth legato. The same principle remains true here. Once you feel confident, you should add the pedal to add to the smoothness.

After you’ve practiced both hands independently try putting them together but still practicing without the pedal. You want to achieve a smooth legato in both hands without using the pedal as a crutch. Once you can play smoothly with confidence, go back and add the pedal.

Why is it so important to play notes legato if you’re going to add the pedal anyway?

This is a likely question you hear from intelligent students. Wouldn’t the pedal make everything smooth anyway? Not necessarily. You must capture all the notes of the first chord in each group whenever engaging the pedal. If you miss any of the notes on the pedal, you will lose the legato. By playing the chords long, you will ensure that all the notes are down when you press the pedal.

In the next section you will not need to use the pedal but you will face a different set of challenges. You have repeated notes in the left hand and a different rhythm to deal with in the right hand:

Make sure you play these notes legato. Not just in the right hand but the left hand as well. Repeated notes present a unique challenge. How can you play these notes legato? The secret is changing the fingers you use for each note. This way you can have one finger coming going up while another finger is going down. This technique will create a sense of connectivity in the notes and create a beautiful line. Try this section with this technique and see if you can tell the difference:

Notice 4-3-2 on these B flats. You’ll notice the right hand has the same technique:

Notice the 2-3-4 listed on those notes.

You’ll see these numbers over repeated notes quite a bit in this piece. The secret is to change fingers for repeated notes so you can achieve a smooth sound.

Thanks again for joining me Robert Estrin here at Living Pianos. I hope this has been helpful for you and make sure to stay tuned to our future episodes in the Burgmüller studies on piano. If you have any questions about this topic or any topic at all please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729.

Piano Lessons – The Burgmüller Studies – Part 3

Welcome back to our multi-part series on the Burgmüller Studies. These pieces are really great for piano students at a fairly elementary level yet provide some gorgeous music. In the first lesson we covered La Candeur (Frankness) and last time we co

Welcome back to our multi-part series on the Burgmuller Studies. These pieces are really great for piano students at a fairly elementary level yet provide some gorgeous music. Last time we covered La Candeur (Frankness) and this time we are going to discuss L’Arabesque.

Where La Candeur provided beautiful lyricism, L’Arabesque provides excitement. This is a great piece to study because it presents quite a few technical challenges. It also provides a great opportunity to explore phrasing – staccatos and slurs as well as accents. If you were to play this piece without those elements of phrasing it would be incredibly lifeless and dull.

How do you get this piece to sing and more specifically, how do you get it to be snappy and fun? It all comes down to the wrist. I encourage you to watch my original lesson on how to utilize your wrists but to describe it quickly here: The wrists must be identified separately from the arms. The arms are big and heavy and can’t give you the same quick motion the wrists can.

Take your hand and place it over the first chord in the piece. Place your fingers on the keys but don’t push down. Then slowly raise your wrist so your fingers are a little less than an inch above the keys, drop them and play the notes and then snap your wrist back into place over the keys. Keep practicing this and make sure that you aren’t using your arm at all – all the motion in your playing should come from the wrist. The arms are great for strength but they will not give you the speed you will need to play this piece; the motion must come from the wrist.

In this first section you should practice these chords with the wrist until you feel absolutely comfortable playing them.

The right hand in this piece also contains phrasing and it’s very important that you don’t overlook it. As we can seen in the picture below, there are notes with slurs connecting them and they end in a final note that is played staccato. It might not always be written as staccato but they should be played as such because it’s at the end of a slur. Why is this? Staccato means “not connected” and the end of a slur is not connected. In this piece, which has a brisk tempo, you will want to play the end of your slurs as staccato.

The best way to play these note groups is by playing the slurs and then ending by having your hand come up for the last note. It creates a nice sound and helps to play that last note staccato. Practice these groups of notes in your right hand – make sure you come up for the last note in each group until you are comfortable playing them.

Now try practicing with the hands together.

In the next section the left hand will continue with staccato chords but the right hand has eighth notes and it’s extremely important that you phrase these correctly. You’ll need to pay attention to the staccatos and legatos so that you can bring life to this music.

You can do the same type of motion with your wrists for the staccatos in this section. Release the wrist upward on them to get a nice snappy sound. On the accents, let your wrist come down for emphasis. When you put this together with the left hand it you will achieve excellent clarity of voices – the contrast of staccato and legato elements.

In the next section the hands reverse techniques. The right hand becomes legato and the left hand has staccato with the down up motion with the wrist.

Now we will flash forward to the end of the piece where you must move your hands instantly in order to play the last chord. This can be a real challenge for students but it’s a great learning experience which I have a method that will help in any situation like this.

You’ll need to get from here:

The here:

That’s not going to be easy! However, there is a relatively simple way to overcome this problem. You’ll need to find out the perfect hand position for that last series of notes. Go ahead and place your hands there and remember that position. Now, play the series of notes before it and right when you end, place your hands and arms over the last chord instantly. Don’t play any of the notes yet – just get your hands over the chord. Keep doing this until you consistently get in the right position. When you feel confident go ahead and play the last chord. Keep doing this until you can play it over and over again without any issues. This is an extremely helpful technique for all your music that requires large leaps. Here is an article and video on this subject:

I hope this lesson has been helpful for you. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for future videos please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729

Piano Lessons – The Burgmuller’s Studies – Part 2

Welcome back to our multi-part series on the Burgmuller Studies. These pieces are really great for piano students at a fairly elementary level yet provide some gorgeous music. Last time we covered La Candeur (Frankness) and this time we are going to

A musical repertoire is one of the most important things a musician has. A repertoire is a demonstration of your accomplishments and provides the foundation for you as a musician, so it’s important to have music that you can play at any time which defines you. It’s important that you select pieces to add to your permanent repertoire, think of it like a resume for a job.

You can study an instrument for many years and if you only work on the pieces you’re currently studying you will eventually forget your old pieces you have learned and have a limited amount of music you can play. Let’s be realistic though, if you tried to keep every piece you’ve ever played fresh in your mind it would be an insurmountable task – just imagine trying to practice every piece you’ve ever learned every day; it’s impossible!

So how do you build a good repertoire and maintain it over the course of your lifetime?

Practice the pieces you want to maintain in your repertoire. Play through these pieces on a periodic basis. (It doesn’t require practicing at every session.) Try to keep these pieces fresh in your mind and never too far away from performance level.

Refer back to the original score. This is something that many people might not consider but it’s essential. Over time, no matter how often you revisit your pieces, mistakes and inaccuracies will creep in. By going back and referring to the score you can ensure that you are playing the pieces correctly and as originally intended. You might be surprised when you go back and revisit the score and play slowly with the score that you will see things you never noticed before. This helps you not only to maintain your repertoire but to master it.

Re-study pieces you really enjoy. It’s always personally rewarding to go back over a piece you particularly love and re-learn it by studying the score carefully and getting everything you can out of it. The pieces you re-learn and study again and again will become a part of your permanent memory and form a very strong part of your repertoire.

Thanks so much for joining us here at Living Pianos. If you have any questions or comments about this subject or any other subject please contact us directly: (949) 244-3729 or email:

How Do You Maintain a Musical Repertoire?

A musical repertoire is one of the most important things a musician has. A repertoire is a demonstration of your accomplishments and provides the foundation for you as a musician, so it’s important to have music that you can play at any time which